

1、(British) hardened clay.『3words』

2、Are your hearts hardened『4words』

3、Their suspicions hardened into certainty.『5words』

4、The hardened heart of mine, doesn't trust.『7words』

5、Life on a boat had hardened him.『7words』



6、The Liberal Democrats have hardened their opposition.『7words』

7、having a hardened crust as a covering.『7words』

8、Public attitudes to the strike have hardened.『7words』

9、He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.『8words』

10、Dried egg products should not be caked or hardened.『9words』



11、baked or hardened by exposure to sunlight; not burned.『9words』

12、The incident hardened her resolve to leave the company.『9words』

13、Attitudes to the strike have hardened on both sides.『9words』

14、Mother takes the hardened milk curd out of the wooden box.『11words』

15、Store employees looked at me like I'm some kind of hardened criminal.『12words』

16、Practice had hardened me, and I grew audacious to the last degree.『12words』

17、The exorcise dispelled the cowardice in the heart and was hardened and hardened.『13words』

18、Dried phlem and mucus become like marbles in the lungs - hardened phlegm.『13words』

19、Unfortunately, they rarely reshape established processes and hardened attitudes at the speed of change.『14words』

20、Variation of physiological and biochemical indexes in cultivars of cold-hardened and non-hardened Paeonia rockiis within overwintering period『17words』



21、She was barely nineteen years old, but already she had developed the hardened facility of the pseudo-intellectual.『17words』

22、Once it has completely hardened, use a spoon or a blunt knife to scrape it off the denim.『18words』

23、Nearly all the students and the teachers were hardened fighters and between them they worked out tactical problems.『18words』

24、Insects and even small invertebrates have been found preserved in the hardened resins of conifers and certain other trees.『19words』

25、There was very little about him for any woman to love...a hardened professional soldier limited in education and outlook.『19words』

26、Japanese Vickers Hardened (VH) face-hardened, non-cemented armor (used only on YAMATO-Class battleships)…Steel had many tiny pieces of dirt and so forth.『21words』

27、Case hardened: a case hardened fastener is a fastener of ferrous material having a surface which has been made harder than the core.『23words』

28、To reheat hardened steel or hardened cast iron to some temperature below the eutectoid temperature for the purpose of decreasing hardness and increasing toughness.『24words』

29、With all this sea-hardened equipment she is blogging and podcasting from a row boat in the middle of the Pacific, which is pretty cool.『24words』

30、Where austenitic bolting materials have been carbide solution treated but not strain hardened, they are designated Class 1 or Class 1a in ASTM A193.『24words』

