

1、the husbands of sisters『4words』

2、Perfect husbands are migrant farmers.『5words』

3、And so had their husbands.『5words』

4、What about their husbands? - Dickless!『6words』

5、Wives were taken away from their husbands.『7words』



6、It's because of greater unemployment among husbands.『7words』

7、She's 85 and has buried three husbands.『7words』

8、Modern women understand everything, except their husbands.『7words』

9、Their husbands were digging a well nearby.『7words』

10、Only women that kill their husbands marry again.『8words』



11、Does that include husbands and wives as well?『8words』

12、The wives and husbands are always mixed, always drunk.『9words』

13、Many husbands and boyfriends wonder the same thing today.『9words』

14、Many of her women friends also had domineering husbands.『9words』

15、They could not resist burying their husbands with their husbands.『10words』

16、Rich husbands are loud, but poor husbands and wives are loud.『11words』

17、The husbands take different roads to the same place-the geezer bench.『11words』

18、I especially liked two women professors whose husbands were in the state legislature.『13words』

19、Gentle women will not compare their husbands with others'husbands to extinguish their husbands' spirit.『14words』

20、Research says that husbands do not do their fair share of work around the house.『15words』



21、The program challenges wives not to say anything negative about their husbands or to their husbands.『16words』

22、Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.『16words』

23、It is only in higher circles that women can lose their husbands and yet remain bewitching.『16words』

24、Husbands are women's occupations. Without husbands, they are unemployed, so they should hold fast to this job.『17words』

25、Parents need to bless their children, children their parents, husbands their wives, wives their husbands, friends their friends.『18words』

26、Toward the end of the evening, I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don't talk to them.『19words』

27、A business operator said that wives should accept everything their husbands have to make their husbands happy and have a sense of happiness and satisfaction.『25words』

28、Thus, they may be less willing to tolerate any bad behaviors from their husbands (and less willing to stay married) because they don't need their husbands as much.『28words』

29、Virtuous ideas mean not only the loyalty to their husbands but also their faith to marriage and the sense of responsibility to carry on their dead husbands 'will.『28words』

30、Then the Queen of Scots began to talk of embroidery, and of husbands, and of the death of husbands; and just for good measure she threw in a few references to black and white chequering.『35words』

