

1、a stout, middle-aged gentleman『4words』

2、stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals.『4words』

3、A pint of stout, please.『5words』

4、a kind of bitter stout.『5words』

5、She was becoming very stout.『5words』



6、She was an elderly stout person.『6words』

7、I hope you've both got stout shoes.『7words』

8、My father is very stout and strong.『7words』

9、Even slim girls can become stout matrons.『7words』

10、A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.『8words』



11、The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party.『8words』

12、The exceedingly stout lady indignantly tackled a bus inspector.『9words』

13、widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass.『9words』

14、The soldiers on the island put up a stout resistance.『10words』

15、black-and-white shorebird with stout legs and bill; feed on oysters etc..『11words』

16、stout-bodied hairy dipterous fly whose larvae are parasites on humans and other mammals.『13words』

17、The heart of a hero in his old age is as stout as ever.『14words』

18、The crusher claw is short and stout; the cutter claw is long and slender.『14words』

19、“Well, and how are you, sir?" said the stout gentleman, addressing Mr. Snodgrass with paternal anxiety.『16words』

20、Firstly, they fastened the poor terrified creature securely round the ankles and wrists with some stout cords.『17words』



21、A drinking mug, usually in the shape of a stout man wearing a large three - cornered hat.『18words』

22、A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus)having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers.『18words』

23、nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes.『20words』

24、He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth.『20words』

25、convalescents from the hospitals wedged in between stout chaperons and slender girls who made great fuss and to-do over them;『20words』

26、As we were enjoying our first mouthful of thermos flask soup, a stout man, opened the gate and came towards us.『21words』

27、Prickly ash in terrace edge root system becomes stout obviously with age of trees and total amount of root system increases.『21words』

28、On one side, indeed there was a friendly architect but on the other side, some stupid stout woman and her family.『21words』

29、More than twice my size, she seemed too solid and stout to be real, especially when compared to the skinny body of the boy I had assumed.『27words』

30、A stout aromatic Mediterranean herb(Salvia sclarea)in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery.『29words』

