

1、Michael sighed wearily.『3words』

2、The negro answered wearily.『4words』

3、“Understood," Tom said wearily.『4words』

4、He closed his eyes wearily.『5words』

5、She rubbed her eyes wearily.『5words』



6、They wearily sucked their pebbles,『5words』

7、Corbett rubbed his eyes wearily.『5words』

8、He played with his watch-chain wearily.『6words』

9、“Welcome to the world," he said wearily.『7words』

10、He sagged wearily back in his chair.『7words』



11、The old man turned wearily to the nurse.『8words』

12、The old tramp shambled wearily up the path.『8words』

13、Three times more he wearily crossed the ocean.『8words』

14、“Anything else?" Chris asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily.『9words』

15、Carrie came away wearily, somewhat more abashed for her pains.『10words』

16、“I should be awfully glad to know it," she said wearily.『11words』

17、Sighing, she shook her head wearily. "No, I won't curse you.『11words』

18、SCULLY sits wearily in one of the red chairs lining the wall.『12words』

19、The old man was plodding wearily along the band of the river.『12words』

20、“There is blood on my hands, but not the blood of brothers," he said wearily.『15words』



21、“I feel strangely tired, Rat," said the Mole, leaning wearily over his oars as the boat drifted.『17words』

22、Madam Chou rose wearily. "Good. As long as you're obedient I won't have to worry about you."『17words』

23、Well, if you can make yourself comfortable, I'll be only too glad for you to stay,said Brown, wearily.『18words』

24、She raised her hands to her head as wearily as if the air were water against which her arms struggled.『20words』

25、I walked wearily but firmly, as if a voice was slowly pulling me, and I could not help walking in that familiar direction.『23words』

26、While the crisis primarily afflicts Greece, where French and German banks have most at stake, this abstention will be wearily tolerated on the continent.『24words』

27、He took his eyes from the blackboard wearily and glanced weakly in front of him. As before, he felt a strong shock in his heart.『25words』

28、How many are not quick, the melancholy mood, the long time sits wearily even links thigh's excrescence also as if with the sweat escape which sprinkles slowly.『27words』

29、Rance Hendrix, alien psychology specialist with the third Venusian expedition, trudged wearily across the hot sands to find a Venusian and, for a fifth time, to try to make friends with one.『32words』

30、As we all known that after the human infects the Type a H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on.『37words』

