

1、Trundle a hoop along.『4words』

2、The hoop is round.『4words』

3、go through the hoop(s)『4words』

4、a hoop; a jumping hoop『5words』

5、The child trolled her hoop.『5words』



6、The hoop rolled along the pavement.『6words』

7、 The hoop rolled along the pavement.『7words』

8、a circular hoop for holding a towel.『7words』

9、hoop exercises / exercises with rattan hoops『7words』

10、Jump through the hoop!@ yelled the ringmaster.『7words』



11、A boy came towards them, rolling an iron hoop.『9words』

12、In the circle, in a hoop that never ends.『9words』

13、a metal hoop forming the tread of a wheel.『9words』

14、One of the lightweight circular supports for a hoop skirt.『10words』

15、The steel wrap hoop design of Taidonghe river bridge coping construction『11words』

16、Axis throw: a hoop throws where the hoop spins around its horizontal axis.『13words』

17、Begin swinging the hoop clockwise so the hoop is parallel to the ground.『13words』

18、No biggie, I guess I don't need a scallop trim on the outer hoop skirt.『15words』

19、When you feel comfortable, try walking and turning in a circle while passing the hoop.『15words』

20、The gold hoop earrings Richard said made her look like a hussy and a gold bracelet.『16words』



21、In recent years the hoop skirt has lost power and become part of the passed collections.『16words』

22、Left, right, left, right, whack! How come I nearly hit the badminton ball into a basketball hoop『17words』

23、For the ReadablePartial subclasses, you need to jump through one extra hoop, as shown in Listing 9.『17words』

24、Ray Allen once dunked the ball in his own hoop following the tip-off as a high school senior.『18words』

25、With this classic and dressy pair of ruthenium-plated hoop earrings, add a touch of glamour to any occasion.『18words』

26、The brothers, along with their grandmother, arrived in a canoe made from the bark of a hoop pine.『18words』

27、When returning home one evening, the old man saw in the street a hoop from an old barrel--a rough, dirty hoop.『21words』

28、Use your hand to power the hoop in a back-and-forth motion: the hoop will alternate between hitting the center of your palm and the back of your hand.『28words』

29、Our engineers, technicians and professional technology personnel have abound experiences, the facility of pasteboard barrel kernel technology is fabricated by ourself, “packaging container hoop automata puch/cut/coil hoop machine” has obtained patent, patient No.:02225880.9.『33words』

30、Common movements with the hoop include:swings,rolls,tosses and catches, spins,passes through and over the hoop,rotations of the hoop 0n the floor and rotations of the hoop around the hand and other parts of the Body.『34words』

