

1、halogen-quench Geiger tube『3words』

2、quench smoking flax『3words』

3、Water after quench not fire.『5words』

4、It doesn't quench your thirst.『5words』

5、continuous quench and temper line『5words』



6、drink poison to quench one's thirst『6words』

7、To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame.『7words』

8、distant water can't quench a present thirst.『7words』

9、So what drugs can quench that itch?『7words』

10、The process of cooling is called quench .『8words』



11、Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.『8words』

12、Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst.『9words』

13、put out or quench, as of fires or lights.『9words』

14、Reader quench recently wrote in with a great question.『9words』

15、Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.『10words』

16、Using CNC laser lattice mathod to quench surface of press crankshaft『11words』

17、Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.『11words』

18、The heat transfer law ofthe quench oil during its evaporation is also analyzed;『13words』

19、The quench deformation mechanism of plate parts as well as the main factors are also analyzed.『16words』

20、All that's said, who is going to quench the global thirst for oil in the future?『16words』



21、And the research progress of mechanisms of quench oil viscosity changing and mechanisms of anfifoulant were summaned.『17words』

22、It shows that sorbitized treat using water quench replacing lead quench is possible for Carbon steels prestressed wires.『18words』

23、OBJECTIVE To compare the ability to quench singlet-oxygen of lutein and its esters from marigold flower in vitro.『18words』

24、Water and other low-calorie beverages are the best ways to quench your thirst without adding excess calories and carbohydrates.『19words』

25、According to the analysis of components of quench oil and it's fouling, the reasons of viscosity increasing are discussed.『19words』

26、The fitting is vertical to allow for free draining with straight run after quench oil injection for good mixing.『19words』

27、The article introduces the principle of the quench detection system and the characters of the quench signal in the HT-7U CS model coil experiment.『24words』

28、Quench Cracks: Cracks formed in a steel part during or after quench, resulting from high stresses in cooling; could be caused by water in the quench oil.『27words』

29、By measuring the cooling curve and quench severity of quenching oil at various flow rates, the relationship among the hardening capacity, quench severity and flow rate was established.『28words』

30、After studying the viscosity reducing technology in the new section of Daqing s ethylene plant, we have succeed in controlling the viscosity of quench oil which the temperature was195-230℃, providing new idea of controlling the viscosity of quench oil.『39words』

