


2、A handful are tourists.『4words』

3、a handful of militarists『4words』

4、That boy is a handful.『5words』

5、There are maybe a handful『5words』



6、Today, only a handful dare abstain.『6words』

7、Most bulk carriers own only a handful.『7words』

8、This spell summons a handful of Lictors.『7words』

9、Dad answered, shaking a handful of greens.『7words』

10、They constitute but a handful of the number.『8words』



11、C99 introduces a handful of new integer types.『8words』

12、A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.『9words』

13、All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent.『10words』

14、A coolie grabbed a handful of penicillin from a shelf.『10words』

15、At best a handful of chemists remember what Einstein's Ph.D. was in.『12words』

16、There are just a handful of things engineers must know about algorithmic complexity.『13words』

17、Only a handful of military commanders and tacticians have ever achieved this rigorous certification.『14words』

18、Beyond those books and a handful of newspaper clippings and magazine stories, Winter has nothing.『15words』

19、And that's on top of the handful that are already available from Sprint and T-Mobile.『15words』

20、If your site contains only a handful of pages, it is faster and cheaper to forgo XML.『17words』



21、The exclusive honor of a handful of men, for the first time here abundant but be cited proof fittingly.『19words』

22、Do grasp full main street of sweethearts handfulhandful being, but get married really on the main street to have several?『20words』

23、In 1993, few corporations had a web page, and only a handful allowed one to order products or services online.『20words』

24、Despite efforts by major companies, just a handful of women have ascended to the leadership pinnacle, the McKinsey report concluded.『20words』

25、Use about a handful of Kosher salt for each six quarts of water - depending on the size of your hands.『21words』

26、“Offering a handful of classes online is a really nice attempt, but it just seems late and a stutter step," he says.『22words』

27、A friend drew my attention to GX when she called to ask my opinion on a handful of stocks that she liked.『22words』

28、In traditional mainframe applications, thread usage is not a big concern as work is initiated by a handful of applications using a handful of threads.『25words』

29、Part of the issue is that tribal groups themselves don't always believe their languages are endangered until they're down to the last handful of speakers.『25words』

30、Noticing the commotion, she reached into her purse for a handful of hard candies and offered them to the kids in return for their good behavior.『26words』


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