


2、What is snoring『3words』

3、Can snoring be treated?『4words』

4、He was snoring heavily.『4words』

5、“No—it's somebody snoring," Tom.『4words』



6、He heard the hare snoring.『5words』

7、Cats, snoring cats, dogs, Guess dogs.『6words』

8、I didn't sleep because of his snoring.『7words』

9、It can also be, well, just snoring.『7words』

10、He was snoring when José awakened him.『7words』



11、I could hear Paul snoring in the next room.『9words』

12、He was obviously asleep because he was snoring loudly.『9words』

13、Drinking alcohol near bedtime is something which also causes snoring.『10words』

14、Even taking off ten pounds can eradicate snoring, experts say.『10words』

15、A huntsman heard it and said, "How loudly the old woman is snoring『13words』

16、Listening to the recorder, investigators heard "heavy nasal snoring and breathing" from Zlatko Glusica.『14words』

17、The high-risk factors of child snoring were snoring of parents, adenoidal hypertrophy, supine sleep and obesity.『16words』

18、When you travel solo, you don't have to worry about anybody snoring or hogging the blankets.『16words』

19、The sleeping Songhua River is still dreaming sweet dreams and snoring sounds as loud as thunder.『16words』

20、Niang fell asleep tiredly in the car, and the slight snoring was so smooth and peaceful.『16words』



21、Snoring cats like to snore, just like your cat, snoring and snoring as soon as they sleep.『17words』

22、The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought to himself: "How the old woman is snoring!"『17words』

23、Back at the hotel, snoring quickly came and went. I opened my notebook and wrote down the day's journey.『19words』

24、The snoring cat also spread out the paper. She wanted to write a song and sing at the spring concert.『20words』

25、As people of their own health and the increasing attention due to snoringsnoring caused by sleep apnea are sufficient attention.『21words』

26、a new anti-snoring scientific breakthrough is rapidly changing the lives of ex-snorers… because the first night you use it, it stops snoring『22words』

27、Guess a dog. He hates snoring. When he listens to a snoring cat snoring, he is restless, and he can't even sneeze happily.『23words』

28、Not all snoring is sleep apnea, though heavy snoring is a sign that you should have a sleep test for obstructive sleep apnea.『23words』

29、As he was about to write, he suddenly heard a slight snoring outside the door. The snoring cat fell asleep outside the door, and she snored again.『27words』

30、This amazing bed can be elevated on one half to seven degrees in the event the user is snoring and then return him to the original position once the snoring stops.『31words』

