

1、promote; endorse a product『4words』

2、Please endorse the traveler's checks.『5words』

3、I fully endorse their approach.『5words』

4、I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.『5words』

5、But I endorse him, "he said."『6words』



6、serving to certify or endorse authoritatively.『6words』

7、endorse a political candidate.See Synonyms atapprove『6words』

8、I'd like to endorse that/your view/opinion.『6words』

9、Please endorse the cheque on the back『7words』

10、To endorse(another's signature), as for a loan.『7words』



11、vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent.『8words』

12、I would like to endorse any choice you make.『9words』

13、I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him.『10words』

14、But the goal is worthy, one that any centrist can endorse.『11words』

15、We may not endorse this tourism, but we don’t charge admission.『11words』

16、Please give it back to me. I forgot to endorse it.『11words』

17、At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.『15words』

18、Before take a delivery , you shall endorse In full the bill of lading .『15words』

19、the OECD code and, they hope, the UBS settlement will endorse the principle of “no fishing expeditions”.『17words』

20、Still, Liu isn't ready to endorse the habit of sleeping less and making up for it later.『17words』



21、Both the OECD code and, they hope, the UBS settlement will endorse the principle of "no fishing expeditions".『18words』

22、“I decided it was better for me to break that promise than to endorse the lie," he says.『18words』

23、We should fully endorse the system and participate in the joint activities organized by our department for franchise stores.『19words』

24、“I know you can't endorse me," Ronald Reagan told a crowd of cheering evangelicals in Dallas, "but I endorse you."『20words』

25、Meanwhile, we will endorse the e-APEC Strategy, a long-term, action-oriented strategy for APEC to build a digital society in the region.『21words』

26、But his bipartisanship has been mostly of the George Bush variety: he is quite happy for his opponents to endorse his policies.『22words』

27、DHI does not endorse or make any representations about the third party sites, or any information, services, or products found on the sites.『23words』

28、(7) To endorse the appointment and removal of the judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court;『24words』

29、Sign at the back of note (endorse). For successful collection, endorse signature should be the same as the beneficiary stated in the front of the note.『26words』

30、I would also endorse Rizzo's critique of attempts to use objective probability theory as a way of reducing the real world of uncertainty to certainty equivalents.『26words』


上一篇:cut down造句,用cut down怎么造句子(30句)