

1、unpaid maternity leave『3words』

2、additional unpaid leave『3words』

3、DDU Delivered Duty unpaid.『4words』

4、unpaid up capital account『4words』

5、unpaid wages; an unpaid bill.『5words』



6、unpaid leave counting for increment『5words』

7、Here are your unpaid bills.『5words』

8、Worrying about the unpaid bills.『5words』

9、regular follow-up of unpaid pledges『5words』

10、About half of them are unpaid.『6words』



11、customs bond of unpaid duty goods『6words』

12、Many companies are ordering employees to take unpaid leave.『9words』

13、Blood donors are also unpaid, in Britain and elsewhere.『9words』

14、Compulsory unpaid leave is planned by 6% of firms.『9words』

15、To leave hurriedly or in secret to avoid unpaid debts.『10words』

16、Expect to take unpaid leave—this is a profession-wide trend anyway.『10words』

17、Office workers do around 2 billion hours of unpaid overtime each year.『12words』

18、What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?『12words』

19、We have actions like restructuring, reduced working hours and unpaid leave ongoing in all our locations.『16words』

20、They're also filing for an injunction that would keep the company from hiring unpaid interns in the future.『18words』



21、However, they also deserve a home of their own, a secure retirement and freedom from worrying about unpaid bills.『19words』

22、In spring 2002, I took an unpaid leave from work, and returned to Chongqing with Bob and our young daughter.『20words』

23、Retain one's post with salary payment suspended during a (long) leave of absence; leave without pay; take an unpaid leave『20words』

24、Appreciate unpaid leave because it allows everyone to stay in the game and it gives you time to take a break.『21words』

25、A handful of states have sacked workers; many more have frozen hiring or are asking workers to take furlough (compulsory unpaid leave).『22words』

26、Women have to work long hours and are allowed to take only a short and unpaid leave in the event of childbirth.『22words』

27、One of the survey's indicators was the implementation of voluntary, unpaid blood donation, which remains a mainstay of WHO recommendations to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply.『28words』

28、As a result of the above problems, therefore, we feel that the most suitable course of action is to return to you unpaid any of the goods considered unsatisfactory.『29words』

29、Lowering salt can cause kidney problems and contribute to insulin resistance in some cases, says Dr. Alderman, who is an unpaid consultant to the salt Institute, an industry group.『29words』

30、China has approved a new labor law in a bid to improve worker rights, amid complaints of unpaid wages and other abuses-- and a government crackdown on recently exposed slave labor practices.『32words』

