

1、diagonal joining『2words』

2、semi-permanent joining『2words』

3、Consider joining a support group.『5words』

4、The joining is hardly visible.『5words』

5、Not joining resulting in failure.『5words』



6、We argued her into joining us.『6words』

7、We're all joining a great team.『6words』

8、He hesitates about joining the expedition.『6words』

9、He was bamboozled into joining the club.『7words』

10、A joining of parties in a suit.『7words』



11、Steve wasted no time joining their 14 merrymaking.『8words』

12、Consider joining the company-sponsored softball team or other activities.『9words』

13、Employees are more willing to consider joining start-up firms.『9words』

14、How about joining me for a cup of coffee?『9words』

15、Miss Cam is qualified for joining the club .『9words』

16、Gardner to the shoeshine shop after joining the firm in 2006. Mr.『12words』

17、Prior to joining Allstate in 2003, he was a senior partner at DiamondCluster International.『14words』

18、My two city friends joining me for the weekend looked uneasily into their beer.『14words』

19、Curtain wall custom corner mullion tools and better options for joining curtain wall mullions at corners.『16words』

20、Since joining the MSA in 2004, GT has paid close to $563 million, the company said.『16words』



21、Anyone can attend Masters Conclave if you choose, and this does not require joining SSOA any further.『17words』

22、Brief introductions are made about the special joining (technologies) for PEX pipe and reinforced PE pipe system.『17words』

23、Clichy also revealed that in joining the Blues, he will be re-joining two of his best friends in football.『19words』

24、Sagna said: "It is great to be joining Arsenal and I'm excited to be playing alongside many great players."『19words』

25、P: Well, how about joining the company picnic next Saturday? We're playing beach volleyball and you could join our team!『20words』

26、Recognize and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association, including joining or not joining any association.『22words』

27、The figures show directly that only a few people joining physical exercises quite often. Leisure time is the major factor that effecting and restraining people from joining exercises.『28words』

28、In franchise operation reflects , usually issue the licence to the joining trader from the speciallying permit trader , allow the joining trader with its brand producing or selling products.『30words』

29、It is used when there are no indexes on one or more joining tables, or when the database server must read a large number of rows from all joining tables.『30words』

30、Reports on Wednesday night claimed that the player was close to joining the French side with Monaco goalkeeper Flavio Roma claiming Tiago was on the verge of joining his team.『30words』


下一篇:next year造句,用next year怎么造句子(30句)