next year造句,用next year怎么造句子(30句)

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子

1、Wait till next year『4words』

2、The treaty expires next year.『5words』

3、I'll be eighteen next year.『5words』

4、project expenditures for the next year『6words』

5、Shall we go camping next year『6words』

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子(30句)

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子

6、The bill will become law next year.『7words』

7、The next year she performed in Russia.『7words』

8、Look for a prototype early next year.『7words』

9、Until next time, which will be next year.『8words』

10、Next year's bargain will be cheaper next year.『8words』

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子(30句)

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子

11、He will retire from his directorship next year.『8words』

12、The Dramatic Society are doing 'Hamlet next year.『8words』

13、Today next year, we will create the brilliancy together!『9words』

14、In all probability, the employment situation will improve next year.『10words』

15、But serious spending cuts will not begin until next year.『10words』

16、Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year.『11words』

17、I will be qualified next year. I will get my qualification next year.『13words』

18、50 more will follow next year and 50 more the year after that.『13words』

19、This year is slow, but I think business will branch out rapidly next year.『14words』

20、Field erection work will begin in October this year and complete on June first next year.『16words』

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子(30句)

next year造句,用next year怎么造句子

21、And that we should not worry about the deficit next year or even the year after.『16words』

22、It's possible that China could have an economy-wide coal control scheme in its next five-year plan, next year.『18words』

23、Thank you all for craning, and we'll look forward to seeing you next year at the next contest.『18words』

24、All UN troops, says the government, should be gone by the middle of next year, before Congo's next scheduled elections.『20words』

25、Beijing office supply next few years are more concentrated period, the Beijing office rents next year will further edged down.『20words』

26、One thing is certain: I will be delivering the report on the work of the government next year and the year after next.『23words』

27、It could happen next week, next year or next century; it has happened on numerous occasions in the past, and will happen again.『23words』

28、I am that college students graduates the year after next , I will want to go to be a soldier as the graduate next year.『25words』

29、 Irrigation winter water is for the purpose of sufficient water in farmland. Good soil moisture in the next year will ensure a good harvest in the next year.『29words』

30、This year earns 30,000, next year earns 30,000, that is, they do not strive for success, this year has 1,000, next year still has 1,000, that is, they do not work hard.『32words』

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