

1、inshore fishery [fishing]『3words』

2、marine fishery landings『3words』

3、inshore [deepsea] fishery『3words』

4、Super fishery with bigger prize!『5words』

5、Studies on development of efficient fishery『6words』



6、“It's a small fishery," said Toomey.『6words』

7、Used for tugboat, transportation, shipping, fishery.『6words』

8、wire rope for shipping and fishery『6words』

9、One night, a fishery was on fire.『7words』

10、1972-73 Peru: The world's largest fishery collapsed.『7words』



11、Impact of ocean oil-gas exploitation on fishery resources『8words』

12、Study on supply-path of fishery finance based on requirement;『9words』

13、Optimizing allocation of human resources of fishery sciences institutions;『9words』

14、Developing recreational fishery vigorously, cultivating new fishery light point actively;『10words』

15、On the allocation efficiency of marine fishery resources in China;『10words』

16、The incomes generated from the engagement in agriculture, forestry, husbandry and fishery『12words』

17、Thoughts on the design of curricula involving fishery in fishery economic management specialty;『13words』

18、The warmer water seems to be bringing back the cod fishery as well.『13words』

19、Analysis on the utilization of main fishery resources in the East China Sea;『13words』

20、Studies on the impact of the fishery resources protective areaon the surrounding fishery economy;『14words』



21、The company envisions outfitting naval, coast guard and fishery protection vessels with the system.『14words』

22、Study on development strategy of recreational fishery in China and development model of Beijing recreational fishery『16words』

23、Information of sea and fishery conditions is of significant meaning for research, forecast and estimation of the fishery resources.『19words』

24、Where a pollution accident occurs to fishery, the matter shall be investigated and handled by the fishery supervision and administration department.『21words』

25、“capture fishery; harvest fishery: Fishing for wild fish, normally from a Boat, as opposed to aquaculture, where the fish are Bred in a controlled environment."『25words』

26、Article 3 all the entities, persons and fishery administration ships for the fishery administrative cruising within exclusive economic zones shall abide by the present Provisions.『25words』

27、The right to piscatorial environment is an environmental protection right of fishery right holders when they do aquatic breeding or fishing at the licensed fishery waters.『26words』

28、Marine fishery transition is not only the transformation of traditional fishery to modern fishery, but also a transformation of social system, promoted by the Country, Market and Society.『28words』

29、China is a large fishery country, but a huge amount of fishery processing wastes lead to severe resource waste and environment pollution due to the lower process level.『28words』

30、Article 19 Departments of fishery administration under the people's governments at and above the county level shall work out overall plans and take measures to increase fishery resources in the fishery waters under their jurisdiction.『35words』

