

1、Katie Levin talks nonstop.『4words』

2、nonstop distributed database system『4words』

3、Fly straight(or direct; nonstop)『4words』

4、tandem nonstop distributed database system『5words』

5、nonstop crossing of opposite trains『5words』



6、This is a nonstop bus.『5words』

7、The student’s nose was bleeding nonstop.『6words』

8、His style is a nonstop adventure.『6words』

9、He will take a nonstop global flight.『7words』

10、We took a nonstop flight to Los Angeles.『8words』



11、Cathay Pacific flies daily nonstop to Hong Kong.『8words』

12、The nonstop flight will take about 14 hours.『8words』

13、a nonstop flight from Hong Kong to Beijing『8words』

14、Amy and her group had driven nonstop through Spain.『9words』

15、Two people send a friend to go to London by last nonstop.『12words』

16、Slince the holiday I've been studying nonstop to make up for lost time.『13words』

17、“ Oh,God," Hayes said as he pulled the brakes and sounded the whistle nonstop.『14words』

18、A: Bernice's finally had enough of Raymond's nonstop cheating and broke up with him.『14words』

19、Today, tourists can take nonstop flight from most of main european cities to Reykjavik/ Keflavik.『15words』

20、You need to learn to overcome your nonstop thinking in order to gain control over your attention.『17words』



21、Is it nonstop or does it have a 34-minute connection in a busy, sprawling airport like Atlanta?『17words』

22、What matters most is not to forget our nonstop journey with winds and rains because of one pity.『18words』

23、Cicada also come because of the tall poplars and lush, it nonstop in the trunk, the happy-ming up.『18words』

24、During the rainy season, sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for days; sometimes the storms come and go.『19words』

25、Our vocational norm is to respect knowledge innovate nonstop, use the first-rate design, the consummate manufacture and the perfect after-ale service.『21words』

26、The program has been very successful in achieving a high rank, much of that is due to its ability to search nonstop.『22words』

27、Common sights at university guest houses were: peeling paint, tiles and molding; toilets flowing nonstop; cracked plaster; torn carpets; and broken or jammed windows.『24words』

28、Because of his hyperactivity and nonstop jabber, Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school.『25words』

29、Taking the combinative service ways of“ supposition( CIN)” and“ reality( MadeinChina never ending Exhibition Gallery)” which is to construct the most rapid“ nonstop” between world and China.『27words』

30、It occurred to me that I could write nonstop for eight hours and run a 5K immediately afterwards, yet after spending a few hours at my corporate job I could barely drag myself to the train station.『37words』

