

1、beyond [past] retrieve『3words』

2、retrieve content of database『4words』

3、No way to retrieve it.『5words』

4、Internal Error: Couldn't retrieve filter's propertypages.『6words』

5、Unable to retrieve the slot status.『6words』



6、retrieve one's child from a kidnapper『6words』

7、See Download to retrieve the code.『6words』

8、Create, retrieve, deactivate, or remove a participant.『7words』

9、I am sure you can retrieve your letter.『8words』

10、Execute the query to retrieve the contact sdo.『8words』



11、From the change history, you can retrieve following information.『9words』

12、In this context, the connector is used to retrieve data.『10words』

13、We can retrieve this data by using mechanized information services.『10words』

14、Using this brain prosthesis, they have helped rats retrieve long-forgotten memories.『11words』

15、Time to add a BdpDataAdapter component in order to retrieve data.『11words』

16、“A false step that he was never able to retrieve" (John Morley).『12words』

17、Specifically, we retrieve an epr representation of the header information from the SOAP message context.『15words』

18、Conclusion EB can retrieve the metabolic disorder of serum lipids in rats with arcuate nucleus lesion.『16words』

19、It can actually be used to retrieve data from any OLE DB or ODBC-compliant data source.『16words』

20、It is not really your memory letting you down, just your ability to retrieve information from it.『17words』



21、When the birds forget to retrieve their food—and they do sometimes—a seedling has a chance to grow.『17words』

22、The actual purpose of the application is to retrieve information from a database of earthquakes on the server.『18words』

23、DBI lets you set a maximum number of bytes to retrieve on each fetch using the LongReadLen connection attribute.『19words』

24、It includes methods to add and delete bookmarks, retrieve a user's bookmark list, and retrieve (or rename) a user's tags.『20words』

25、The literature number is a unique identifier used by TI to identify, store, and retrieve a data sheet in internal files.『21words』

26、Content adapters retrieve data only once each time they are run, so most of them must be run periodically to retrieve data.『22words』

27、The PDH interface is an abstraction of the details required to retrieve performance object and performance counter data from the Windows Registry.『22words』

28、Job status: You can retrieve the status of all the jobs managed through a job manager and retrieve the details in the job history.『24words』

29、This allows the unreachable endpoint to use the same mechanism to retrieve messages from a mailbox as it would to retrieve them from a server.『25words』

30、OPAC periodical and all kinds of electronic periodical are separated in heterogeneous information system and hard to retrieve and obtain for users in traditional digital library services.『27words』

