

1、ornamental tropical woody vines.『4words』

2、Old World woody vines.『4words』

3、Melons grow on vines.『4words』

4、Pumpkins grow on big vines.『5words』

5、The pumpkin vines struggle to survive.『6words』



6、Do not trim those wisteria vines.『6words』

7、shrubs and small trees and woody vines.『7words』

8、genus of Old World tropical woody vines.『7words』

9、About thee, as wild vines, about a tree,『8words』

10、a family of vines belonging to order Rhamnales.『8words』



11、With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;『9words』

12、Your caresses enfold me, like climbing vines on melancholy walls.『10words』

13、But, piss me off, you'll end up tangled in vines.『10words』

14、hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines.『13words』

15、Also with white flowers Stipple vines lining in the black for the CD.『13words』

16、Most people don't see the vines, they see only the space between the vines.『14words』

17、ABSTRACT: Chilean company has launched the Traditional vines Rescue Plan to protect old Malbec vines.『15words』

18、Oniy the aging vines still are murmuring on the walls as if telling their stories.『15words』

19、Groves of willow and walnut trees sheltered pretty terraces of vines, maize, pumpkins and potatoes.『15words』

20、The vine swingers, remember, don't see the Spaces between the vines, they see only the vines.『16words』



21、They are attached to wires above the vines that provide support for the grape bearing shoots.『16words』

22、Any of several other vines of the genus Cucurbita, especially C.maxima or C.moschata, bearing large pumpkinlike squashes.『17words』

23、Vines may bear fruit precociously, and production should be controlled on young vines to prevent delays in establishment.『18words』

24、On either side long rows of pumpkins lay in the dust, each in its own tangle of vines.『18words』

25、The melon vines flourished with big leaves wavering in wind, vines dancing and yellow flowers blooming side by side.『19words』

26、In the flooded forest, vines and roots created a web of gnarled wood, covered with every type of biting insect.『20words』

27、Vines' characteristics and application principles were summarized, and various selection and disposition technology of vines in different vertical greening were introduced.『21words』

28、In the Perdeberg region we have a fantastic resource in older vines: over 200 hectares of vines older than 25 years.『21words』

29、The giant vines that had been seen in the Cossacks'settlements were knotted like cobwebs beneath the cliffs. The back of the red flag collided with the strong vines and flesh burst.『31words』

30、This sensual project is embedded in the medoc gravel, taking off towards the vines and the sky, with a view of the vines, the prestigious Gruaud Larose estate, and the estuary.『31words』

