

1、conform with the regulations『4words』

2、adapt or conform oneself.『4words』

3、To conform to classic style.『5words』

4、XSocket binaries are now OSGi conform.『6words』

5、You must conform to local customs『6words』



6、I just do it to conform.『6words』

7、His ideas do not conform to mine.『7words』

8、The quality must conform to the sample .『8words』

9、Any further "suppression" will also conform to it.『8words』

10、An architecture may conform to an architectural style.『8words』



11、The workers refused to conform to the unfair contract.『9words』

12、Needed to conform (or attempt to conform) to a standard.『10words』

13、Now and again scribe control lines conform with the design.『10words』

14、All beautiful women in television commercials conform to this norm.『10words』

15、Replace the generated names with names that conform to shop conventions.『11words』

16、Delegates favour reforms that conform to national interests and promote national power.『12words』

17、The screen templates can be XML documents which conform to DTD files.『12words』

18、It is a common convention to use package names that conform to your own naming convention.『16words』

19、Not be actually, but a lot of salary say is to want to conform with officeholder .『17words』

20、As turkeys have been bred to better conform to what consumers want, sales have gone through the roof.『18words』



21、Execute inspection on finished product such as appearance, performance and parameters etc to ensure they conform to requirement.『18words』

22、In social practices, some behaviors and phenomena conform to the law stipulation, but don't conform to the ethical norms.『19words』

23、Frozen type air drier shall conform to the special design of compressed air flow rate, pressure, temperature conditions needs.『19words』

24、Article13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state.『20words』

25、To conform to the user’s mental model, it should then erase the original even though that contradicts the implementation model.『20words』

26、According to Marx, beauty must not only conform to "species criterion", but also conform to "internal criterion", that is, human criterion.『21words』

27、A customer organization can define its data model and tender for competing solutions that conform to its interfaces and meet its requirements.『22words』

28、Emancipating our minds means making our thinking conform to reality, and making the objective conform to the subject means seeking truth from facts.『23words』

29、Besides that, they need to pay attention to the letter norm and keep graphic, sound, meaning in concord which conform to punctuation mark.『23words』

30、Another issue is that all code must conform to this style, which can be difficult if you're integrating third-party code within an application that doesn't conform to this naming convention.『30words』

