

1、Prices rose steeply.『3words』

2、Unemployment is rising steeply.『4words』

3、The aircraft dived steeply.『4words』

4、The path climbed steeply upwards.『5words』

5、(of a cliff,rock-face,etc)rising very steeply『5words』



6、At this point the path descends steeply.『7words』

7、The plane banked steeply to the left.『7words』

8、The path started to ascend more steeply.『7words』

9、The land rises steeply to the left.『7words』

10、On one side the mountains rise steeply『7words』



11、The turns on the racetrack were steeply banked.『8words』

12、Convictions will rise steeply now photographic evidence is admissible.『9words』

13、Just behind the building the ground falls away very steeply.『10words』

14、These passages are lit by torches and slope steeply downward.『10words』

15、Cattle sales are rising steeply, even though prices are pitifully low.『11words』

16、It is true that overall flows of credit have fallen steeply.『11words』

17、Cinema admission here have fallen steeply every year since Would War II『12words』

18、The garden slopes down so steeply that it is difficult to grow anything.『13words』

19、The mountains rise steeply from the narrow beach and are broken by innumerable valleys and gorges.『16words』

20、Characteristics of strata behaviors of the long-wall full-mechanized caving mining field on strike of steeply thick coal seam『18words』



21、Ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.『18words』

22、House prices, which have been falling steeply, unexpectedly bounced by 0.9% in March, according to the Nationwide building society.『19words』

23、Swiftlet populations have fallen steeply in some regions, prompting conservation officials to look for ways to protect the species.『19words』

24、I decided I would rather not be eaten. I got up and ran. Ahead of me a hill rose steeply.『20words』

25、Inside, crisp white walls contrast the exterior's materiality. An open-concept living room, kitchen, and dining room are contained under the steeply-pitched roof.『22words』

26、 When the dog moved, a huge fire burst out steeply in front of him, rolling all over the world and covering him.『23words』

27、The surface of the horseshoe-shaped cliff is dense limestone, sharp and steep, and the abundant flow of the Niagara River can be steeply poured.『24words』

28、The French architects came up against strict regulations that stipulated both the positioning of the house and the inclusion of a steeply pitched roof.『24words』

29、When prices are falling most steeply, people are not yet buying in bulk and the ONS is therefore not yet including the new goods in its monthly survey.『28words』

30、Steeply inclined and filling type of karst fissure-water bearing structure occurred in a steeply inclined angle of fissure, easily accumulate water and form a high water pressure in its fissure space.『31words』

