1、Apple always bounces back.『4words』
2、He bounces off the shelf.『5words』
3、A rubber ball bounces well.『5words』
4、He bounces that red ball.『5words』
5、Yet it always bounces back.『5words』
6、The ball bounces out the door.『6words』
7、The ball bounces off the shelf.『6words』
8、Then, Ball bounces out the door.『6words』
9、He bounces next to the barbecue.『6words』
10、The ball bounces onto the grass.『6words』
11、Q. What's big and green and bounces up and down?『10words』
12、The boy often catches old, but he soon bounces back『10words』
13、After a nice ride, Ball bounces out of the car.『10words』
14、The auditorium sounds hollow because the music bounces off the wall.『11words』
15、It's a nearly elastic collision and it bounces back from the wall.『12words』
16、This is the kangaroo from Australia. It bounces and bounces anywhere it wants to go.『15words』
17、Light bounces from the distinctive facade cassettes made of anodised aluminium, both flat and sloped.『15words』
18、The device bounces radiation off the tank, allowing technicians to see under the foam insulation.『15words』
19、The brook bounces among the rocks, turns over the white spray, and plays a touching tune.『16words』
20、Tungsten light bulbs cast very yellow light. And any surface that light bounces off can add its color.『18words』
21、The light then bounces off the bottom mirror, and then bounces again off the underside of the top mirror.『19words』
22、Michael presses the down button, and the door slides shut, but, due to the hose, it bounces back open.『19words』
23、On the underside, a full roulette wheel spins while a ball bounces within, waiting to land on a lucky number.『20words』
24、The document then bounces between Tor servers in a random manner, using layers of encryption to obfuscate its source address.『20words』
25、To retrieve and gain possession of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim after an unsuccessful shot.『20words』
26、The emitted green light is amplified as it bounces back and forth between the mirrors, as occurs in a conventional laser cavity.『22words』
27、This will be the time t2 prime, and this is the one when the object bounces back, so this is t1 prime.『22words』
28、ATTACK with your weapon of choice and STRIKE as many times as possible BEFORE the rubber ball hits the deck and bounces once!『23words』
29、Choppy trading makes it hard to pick stocks based on fundamental qualities, leaving shorter-term options and technical analysis better tools for navigating its bounces, he said.『26words』
30、The film flops and bounces around, and at the center of it sits Michelle Williams dressed up in platinum wig and beauty mark doing Marilyn Monroe.『26words』