

1、Inclined or disposed.『3words』

2、longitudinally disposed beam『3words』

3、well/ill disposed towards sb/sth『4words』

4、I'm not disposed to argue.『5words』

5、disposed of to a purchaser.『5words』



6、He is well disposed to me.『6words』

7、The composition proposer disposed of the components.『7words』

8、The sad news disposed him to melancholy.『7words』

9、The bomb has been safely disposed of.『7words』

10、The city waste is disposed of in the sea.『9words』



11、Not disposed to seek the company of others; reserved.『9words』

12、The committee are well disposed towards the idea .『9words』

13、not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent.『10words』

14、George Bush entered the White House well disposed to Mexico.『10words』

15、You're most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed.『11words』

16、The assembly includes a housing in which a filter element is disposed.『12words』

17、The first end of the solid pin portion is angularly disposed from the second end.『15words』

18、Only 20% of China's 168m tonnes of solid waste per year is properly disposed of.『15words』

19、Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principle of ecology.『16words』

20、He is thus disposed to relieve, it will be easily conjectured he found numbers disposed to solicit.『17words』



21、When a session is disposed, serialization is considered to be complete and this transient state is cleared.『17words』

22、Well, now there? S a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.『17words』

23、The organic pollutant is disposed or oxidized by hydroxyl radical · OH in Fenton, it is one of AoPs.『19words』

24、Respirators used in close contact with a known or suspected SARS patient must be disposed of immediately after use.『19words』

25、He works wonderfully in a group of friendly, well-disposed, calm people - he leaves the group of highly conflict people.『20words』

26、The carrying amount or disposal price of the merged party's assets or liabilities which have been disposed or are to be disposed.『22words』

27、Fluvial fan sedimentary system disposed at the edge of south and north basin; Braided river system disposed in the central basin in late cretaceous in Xinjiang.『26words』

28、An inline mixing device (53) is constituted of a sulzer mixer (160) disposed in an upper stream and a static mixer (170) disposed in a downstream.『26words』

29、The paper disposed the extracted characteristics, and judged the technical state of engine using the method of fuzzing mathematics, via measuring the key characteristics parameters of engine.『27words』

30、In accordance with the preferred embodiment, the seal system includes a radial valve body that is disposed within a circular spring energizer, together which are disposed within a boss member.『30words』

