

1、organize a vocation trip『4words』

2、enrolment and vocation guidance『4words』

3、May Iknow your vocation『4words』

4、enrolment and vocation guidance office『5words』

5、That is my mission, my vocation.『6words』



6、The work time, rest and vocation『6words』

7、It's a career choice. So, vocation.『6words』

8、He found his vocation in ornithology.『6words』

9、The rank, dignity, or vocation of a knight.『8words』

10、His deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation.『9words』



11、The agricultural practice became a challenging and rewarding vocation.『9words』

12、Bookkeeping is Mr. Jones' vocation, and photography is his avocation.『10words』

13、She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.『10words』

14、They are the ones that nourish the strangest vocation for boredom.『11words』

15、Career psychological guidance, which is different from traditional vocation psychological guidance.『11words』

16、You will not make a good teacher, unless you feel teaching is your vocation.『14words』

17、The factors that affect the adaptation in vocation include physical endowment,vocation interest,personality,ability and so on.『15words』

18、My friend, hope your vocation smooth, enjoyable, meaningful, and relaxed. Come back with great experience.『15words』

19、We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software.『16words』

20、Analysis of the position and aim for students studying marketing at high institution of vocation-teacher education;『16words』



21、In May1995, the foot massage was accredited as a vocation and listed in China vocation Classification Catalogue.『17words』

22、At that time, I was not happy with my meager vocation or the person I had become.『17words』

23、The paper approached the current status and types of southern grassland, and the ways for developing grass vocation.『18words』

24、New opportunity of developing on vocation of Chinese water conservancy and electric power and market of Chinese concrete admixture;『19words』

25、“Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation."『20words』

26、These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan's vocation as well.『23words』

27、It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that destines a person to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths.『25words』

28、In the current educational practice, as the final executer in the implementation of the new curriculum reform, teacher's vocation and life state don't cause people's attention.『26words』

29、The Reformation, though, taught the doctrine of vocation, in which the Christian life was to be lived out in the world, and, specifically, in productive labor.『26words』

30、Robert is a middle school student from USA. This summer vocation he came to China to reunite with his father who is working in Daya Bay District.『27words』

