

1、She smiled faintly.『3words』

2、He looked faintly embarrassed.『4words』

3、Her voice was faintly mocking.『5words』

4、She turned and smiled faintly.『5words』

5、“The crack failed," said Toby, faintly.『6words』



6、The tea tasted faintly of chrysanthemum.『6words』

7、I can faintly see a city.『6words』

8、The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.『7words』

9、Still he was faintly unhappy about it.『7words』

10、The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish.『8words』



11、So faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation;indistinct.『8words』

12、He stroked his beautiful white beard, and smiled faintly.『9words』

13、The woman groaned faintly, but did not respond meaningfully.『9words』

14、Why do you speak so faintly? Are you not well?『10words』

15、The council's decisions reflect a faintly alarming mix of deep conservatism and hypersensitivity.『13words』

16、The uncle smiled faintly, while he replied, "It comes more from care than study."『14words』

17、Already, the idea of calling a phone (rather than a person) seems faintly archaic.『14words』

18、“Brace up," said Rhett, and there was a hard, faintly jeering note in his voice.『15words』

19、She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uplift him.『16words』

20、The boy was breathing faintly his face pressed against his mother' s breast. She hugged him tightly.『17words』



21、Looked at one way, it is faintly ludicrous that Sir David Frost should be writing his autobiography already.『18words』

22、Blue and blue sky is endless, occasionally a few light white clouds drifting faintly make people feel very comfortable.『19words』

23、One women described them as men that were all covered up, but you could faintly see glowing red eyes.『19words』

24、But I put sadness in my heart, and in the invisible days, I remember it faintly, and then forget it faintly.『21words』

25、They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music – Turc and Slav together – in a tableau of fairytale unity.『21words』

26、Now fewer people go shopping, but in disinfection cabinets, hand sanitizer sales area, you can faintly feel the excitement of the past.『22words』

27、a lamp placed on a stool illumined the apartment faintly, and showed Dantès the features of his conductor, an under-jailer, ill-clothed, and of sullen appearance.『25words』

28、The paper illustrates the defining and model of faintly synthetically judging, and introduces its appliance to military operation, setting an example of naval ships choosing.『25words』

29、Perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character and intellect rather than dieting their way to size zero or wasp-waist physiques.『26words』

30、The interest phenomena found was that there was sap flow in nighttime, although it was faintly, which would be stem water restoration and storage for day transpiration.『27words』

