

1、Rwanda rejects the findings.『4words』

2、Grape rejects their help.『4words』

3、Russia publicly rejects such linkage.『5words』

4、Sorting-machine rejects all defective specimens.『5words』

5、Mr Combet firmly rejects a delay.『6words』



6、On paper, Hamas rejects Israel’s existence outright.『7words』

7、On paper, Hamas rejects Israel's existence outright.『7words』

8、Achilles rejects the Greeks' attempts at reconciliation.『7words』

9、But what if the IOC rejects our applications?『8words』

10、Then the bank employee approves or rejects the application.『9words』



11、It rejects all dogmatic and speculative assertions in philosophy.『9words』

12、a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion.『10words』

13、It rejects assertion that the leaks are out of control.『10words』

14、Holt rejects knowledge that is entirely taught in an abstract manner.『11words』

15、Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God.『11words』

16、But Ambassador Haqqani rejects the notion that the peace deals fuel militant activity.『13words』

17、URLScan rejects HTTP requests that contain a string that appears in this section.『13words』

18、To some extent, it has something of conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism.『16words』

19、Experiments show that the method still rejects interference efficiently despite of the slow fluctuation of power-lin…『16words』

20、If the court rejects the deal, much potentially useful information will remain, quite literally, a closed book.『17words』



21、 The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.『18words』

22、A text field that rejects a user’s input after he has entered it is not a bounded control.『18words』

23、Thes. 4:8 Consequently, he who rejectsrejects not man but God, who also gives His Holy Spirit to you.『19words』

24、Pantheism either mutes or rejects the biblical teaching of the transcendence of God in favor of his radical immanence.『19words』

25、He's a black man, and he passes for his whole life as Jewish, and in doing so his family rejects.『20words』

26、 In this way, the stream runs tirelessly, and gradually some nearby streams come and join with him, and the stream grows up.『23words』

27、He rejects the idea that Mr Steinmeier favours "equidistance" between Russia and the United States, a notion advocated by some members of his party.『24words』

28、It allows you to detect the presence of Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin at an early stage in the process rather than risk costly product rejects.『24words』

29、Part of this is down to Mr Chirac’s successor, Nicolas Sarkozy, who, although no linguist, rejects the atavistic anti-Americanism that underpins much hostility to English.『25words』

30、It is the spirit which rejects God's lawful order and authority and tries to usurp that authority to itself, as did Eve in the Garden of Eden.『27words』

