

1、assume jurisdiction,to『2words』

2、Why assume one disease?『4words』

3、assume a reclining position.『4words』

4、To assume a threatening stance.『5words』

5、That's gross earnings, I assume.『5words』



6、To assume a prone position.『5words』

7、Credo : I would assume so…『6words』

8、We can assume they're evenly spaced.『6words』

9、We assume that the directory already exists.『7words』

10、assume [hold, drop] the reins of government『7words』



11、I assume you have taken a seminar?『7words』

12、Polymorph Self. You assume a new form.『7words』

13、We will assume a fictitious company for our scenario.『9words』

14、You've seen the flyers and posters around campus, I assume.『10words』

15、To assume responsibility for the debt, default, or miscarriage of.『10words』

16、Students sometimes mistakenly assume that the section contains literature books.『10words』

17、Thelicensee and the third party assume joint and sever liability.『10words』

18、We assume that the attacker has access to certain platform MSR registers.『12words』

19、In our case, we assume a match was found and the XDIME aggregator gets invoked.『15words』

20、It would be easy to assume the world was about to run out of copper.『15words』



21、You assume that all molecules have the same translational energy. You set that equal to zero.『16words』

22、Is this value what I'm looking for? Again, for sake of argument, let's assume it's not.『16words』

23、Far too many people assume, and assume wrongly, that failure in the past means failure in the future.『18words』

24、To begin with, some stories are double-counted, and there’s no reason to assume Nexis is representative of foreign media.『19words』

25、And because we assume that the laws of physics are immutable, eternal - we have to assume the constants don't change either.『22words』

26、Women assume that if a man loves another woman, he's also slept with her. Men assume that if a woman has slept with another man, she loves him.『28words』

27、So if we have an ideal gas, and certainly if we're going to assume an ideal liquid mixture, we can safely assume that it's an ideal gas above it.『29words』

28、We can no more assume that every incident that affects a person of color is the result of racism than we can assume that none of these incidents involve racism.『30words』

29、Beautiful fox women (hereafter I will refer to foxes who assume male forms as "fox men" and those who assume female forms as "fox women") were sometimes envisioned as the most exemplary women.『33words』

30、When two objects share properties, users will assume they are related or similar. When users perceive contrast in these properties, they assume the items are not related, and the items with the greatest contrast tend to demand our attention.『39words』

