

1、Is that your yacht『4words』

2、The yacht heeled over.『4words』

3、a yacht race, club, crew『5words』

4、Do you have a yacht『5words』

5、By private yacht, or course!『5words』



6、. president of a yacht club『6words』

7、And that is just one yacht.『6words』

8、That yacht is below the bridge.『6words』

9、The yacht towed a small boat astern.『7words』

10、Come back to the yacht this evening;『7words』



11、Good yacht with two to three floors.『7words』

12、His 36 ft yacht sank suddenly last summer.『8words』

13、Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht.『9words』

14、Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.『10words』

15、Franz adjusted his telescope, and directed it towards the yacht.『10words』

16、On the return voyage, Shelley's yacht capsized in a sudden squall.『11words』

17、A large stash of drugs had been found aboard the yacht.『11words』

18、He responded saying he was on his yacht sailing to the Caribbean.『12words』

19、Yacht, luxury yacht, cruise yacht, high-speed yacht, fishing boat, kayak, rubber dinghy, inflatable boat.『14words』

20、The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.『15words』



21、The yacht club retains its "royal" monicker and the noonday gun still stands guard nearby.『15words』

22、There is the populist version: the fat cat sitting lazily on his yacht or Palm Beach, Fla.『17words』

23、“When Job sailed his own yacht in this storm, we thought he had rocks in his head."『17words』

24、The company may be that the customer designs the seat developing boat and ship producing every dyadic yacht.『18words』

25、The `Tankadere' was a neat little craft of twenty tons, as gracefully built as if she were a racing yacht『20words』

26、Although it certainly does not fit the mould of a yacht, the design, called 'Project Utopia', was unveiled to stunned onlookers at the glitzy Monaco yacht Show.『27words』

27、We continuously research and develop the professional yacht product, as now the indoor and outdoors decorations include: teak yacht floor, indoor furniture, indoor decorations, yacht port, yacht mat chair etc.『30words』

28、If she is certified to carry more than 12 guests, regardless of size, the yacht is no longer a cargo ship, but a passenger ship, even if one calls her a yacht.『32words』

29、The following day Dantès sailed with his yacht from Genoa, under the inspection of an immense crowd drawn together by curiosity to see the rich Spanish nobleman who preferred managing his own yacht.『33words』

30、Standing on the Yunlong Mountains and looking at the lake, the scenery of Yunlong Lake has a panoramic view. The small yacht and yacht are swimming on the water, like the wind is blowing it.『35words』

