

1、An anecdote explains why.『4words』

2、An anecdote illustrates this.『4words』

3、The numbers support this anecdote.『5words』

4、But an anecdote will suffice.『5words』

5、There she read an anecdote.『5words』



6、It is an anecdote never published.『6words』

7、That little anecdote tells you a lot.『7words』

8、She must have some juicy new anecdote.『7words』

9、The anecdote from the beginning of this article?『8words』

10、I related the anecdote, whereupon he laughed heartily.『8words』



11、This research is based on anecdote not fact.『8words』

12、Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother.『9words』

13、He told us an amusing anecdote of the President's childhood.『10words』

14、I Shared an anecdote that shows another instance of animals showing the way.『13words』

15、The role of tourism anecdote in tourism--Taking touring anecdote of Egypt as an example『14words』

16、The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.『15words』

17、We like to talk about the anecdote of our college life when we get together.『15words』

18、An anecdote may serve to point up the intensity of this enterprise loyalty in Japan.『15words』

19、But what big people do, in the worst case, is also a celebrity anecdote, a romance.『16words』

20、Carnegie USES anecdote after anecdote to illustrate the best way to make the most of human relations.『17words』



21、Not only he bought me alot of gifts but also told me the anecdote he knew there.『17words』

22、And so before long I began to introduce the key-slot anecdote into my discussions with Chinese educators.『17words』

23、When their turn came, they'd share a personal anecdote that one of the objects had brought to mind.『18words』

24、They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laughed at their acquaintance with spirit.『19words』

25、Rosenberg is giving us an anecdote from the trenches, and yet it slips very quickly into a sense of fable.『20words』

26、For example, “Mary, your opening anecdote was relevant and powerful. It made me want to listen to what else you had to say.『23words』

27、Now you are getting back to the anecdote I told at a lecture in Canada, as I reported on the Pursuit of Love.『23words』

28、There's an interesting anecdote about Strauss, and that is that on his deathbed he said to his daughter, Alice -He said, "Alice, it's the funniest thing.『26words』

29、But make it enjoyable for the audience too by being amusing if appropriate or by perhaps illustrating points you make with an anecdote or an analogy.『26words』

30、You may remember the anecdote that was told of King George the First of England and Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of St. paul's Cathedral in London.『27words』

