

1、pedigree judging book『3words』

2、This includes judging others.『4words』

3、Who's judging the first race?『5words』

4、Hear both sides before judging.『5words』

5、Partiality in judging is not good.『6words』



6、He is capable of judging art.『6words』

7、I want to stop judging him.『6words』

8、Not everyone is capable of judging art.『7words』

9、Are you proficient at judging distance ?『7words』

10、Standard for judging safety assurance obligations in sport『8words』



11、They abound in money, judging from customers's presence.『8words』

12、judging on a scale of 1 to 10.『8words』

13、These regular iteration assessments provide the mechanism for judging progress.『10words』

14、Interrelationship of judging ability and training content of shuttlecock athletes;『10words』

15、Then two theorems are given for judging a product of infinite infinitesimals being an infinitesimal.『15words』

16、Through judging the introduction of functions synthetically, the precise judgment towards prematurity has been realized.『15words』

17、He thought that these problems provide a kind of judging tool for denotation in philosophy.『15words』

18、It is based on scientific understandings, directed by value judging systems, and aims at pursuing ideals.『16words』

19、“She must have been in there at least a month, judging from the smell, " someone moans.『17words』

20、The output current stability of semiconductor Laser Diode (LD) is an important parameter for judging its performance.『17words』



21、In this age of the Internet, judging what is "aboveground" or "underground" is no longer an effective tool.『18words』

22、It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and.『19words』

23、Social Responsibility and the Presentation Skills of Applicant - Also included as the assessment criteria for the judging panel.『19words』

24、Prosecution seemed to me as grotesque a simplification as defense, and judging was the most grotesque oversimplification of all.『19words』

25、Sending a sample or mockup is not a requirement for the final round of judging, but it is highly recommended.『20words』

26、This part mainly introduces the theoretical foundation of the doctrine of equivalents and estoppels and the effect to patent infringement judging.『21words』

27、The advancing front cells in tumor invasion have their specific bionomics, which play an important role in judging the prognosis of tumor.『22words』

28、And my legal training enables me to participate in the law school community by judging moot court competitions-a good way to build relationships.『23words』

29、Finalists that conform to the core judging criteria will be asked to submit physical samples of their designs for the final round of judging.『24words』

30、Judging time without changing will lose momentum, judging people without abandoning the truth, judging outside, acting in the heart, words can be judged quickly, things can be left a message for thousands of years.『34words』

