

1、My head aches wickedly.『4words』

2、My back aches wickedly.『4words』

3、My heart aches for her.『5words』

4、Muscular aches follow hard exercise.『5words』

5、Tom's heart aches to be free.『6words』



6、He suffers from aches and pains.『6words』

7、after climbing the mountain, he aches.『6words』

8、My jaw aches. I don't know why.『7words』

9、Your aches, distend pains are normal during treatment.『8words』

10、He has a fever and aches all over.『8words』



11、My shoulders feel stiff and my back aches .『9words』

12、A marked increase in aches and pains may reflect depression.『10words』

13、In fact I was in aches and pains all over,『10words』

14、OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may help fever, headaches and body aches.『14words』

15、The rewards for such anxiety (and the subsequent neck aches) were immediate and unending.『14words』

16、It was also unclear why the aromatase inhibitors were causing these aches and pains.『14words』

17、I'm dizzy, my head aches, my back aches, and I feel too tired to work.『15words』

18、You might have that commonly, but even more severe than normal aches and a rash.『15words』

19、Associated with muscle tension, there may be trembling, twitching, feeling shaky, and muscle aches or soreness.『16words』

20、In Europe, for example, pharmacists are trained to deal with common aches, pains, sniffles, and other complaints.『17words』



21、Taken as a tincture or tablets, it has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve muscular aches and pains.『17words』

22、My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains, My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.『17words』

23、Other viruses cause similar symptoms to flu, marked by a sudden onset of fever, muscle aches and weakness.『18words』

24、With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains.『19words』

25、Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common.『21words』

26、Health problems range from discomfort, minor aches and pains, to more serious medical conditions requiring time off work and even medical treatment.『22words』

27、They know only that it was first identified after people in Mexico began falling ill with the fevers and aches associated with flu.『23words』

28、And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms.『24words』

29、“Chills, fatigue, and muscle aches Begin abruptly. The temperature soon reaches 38-40 c (101-104 f). Head, muscle, abdominal, and joint aches may be accompanied by sore throat."『27words』

30、Over the course of time, we've become looser in applying the term 'mental disorder' to the expectable aches and pains and sufferings of everyday life, "Frances says."『27words』

