

1、Feigning, or exaggerating injury.『4words』

2、She narrowly escaped injury.『4words』

3、Susceptible to physical injury.『4words』

4、At last, a serious injury.『5words』

5、Incapacitated by illness or injury.『5words』



6、causing mental or emotional injury.『5words』

7、His career was bedevilled by injury.『6words』

8、A strong faith discourages dishonesty and injury.『7words』

9、The team has been bedeviled by injury.『7words』

10、She was lucky to escape serious injury.『7words』



11、The team has been weakened by injury.『7words』

12、David Nalbandian is ready come back from injury.『8words』

13、Hotter water increases the risk of scald injury.『8words』

14、Results:Trachea and bronchus laceration were caused by injury.『8words』

15、Contusions and abrasions were the second most common injury.『9words』

16、Type V: soft tissue contracture with bone and joint injury.『10words』

17、Commonest associated injury was long bone fracture followed by head injury.『11words』

18、Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is injury and injury.『12words』

19、The interpersonal relationship is originally cultivated under the alternation of injury and injury.『13words』

20、Objective To establish the model of thoracic explosive injury for studying its mechanism and acute lung injury.『17words』



21、Whenever referred to in this policy "personal injury" shall mean bodily injury, disease, illness, shock, mental anguish or mental injury.『20words』

22、Heart, very small, afraid of injury, but also vulnerable to injury. Apart from yourself, will you be a dependable person?『20words』

23、Objective to understand the characteristic, prevalent trend and influence factors of road injury and provide basis for controlling road injury.『20words』

24、Objective To explore the optimal method for the treatment of the elbow joint stiffness accompanied with neural injury after electrical injury.『21words』

25、Methods 27 cases of acute posterolateral corner injury of the knee were treated by either repair or reconstruction, according to the type of injury.『24words』

26、Objective To explore the relationship between myelin basic protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF - MBP) and injury type patients with acute head injury.『24words』

27、Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is used to describe brain injury characterized by swelling and break of neuraxis in deep part of brain after head injury.『25words』

28、As for intentional injury crime, the intent to injury doesn't generally refer to any attitude of damaging other's health, but specifically refers to the attitudes of causing slight and serious injury.『31words』

29、Results In the 80 patients, 25 cases suffered from cervical vertebra injury, 26 thoracic vertebrae and 29 waist vertebrate, which included vertebral fracture, vertebral dearticulation, protrusion, ligaments injury and spinal cord injury.『32words』

30、Where the cause of action is in respect of personal injury or death resulting from personal injury, the applicable law is that of the country where the individual was when he sustained the injury.『34words』

