

1、Thanks for inviting me.『4words』

2、Readers,Works and Response-inviting Structures;『4words』

3、I will.Thanks for inviting me!『5words』

4、The water looks really inviting.『5words』

5、Thank you for inviting me.『5words』



6、Such comments are just inviting trouble.『6words』

7、They all look inviting, aren't they?『6words』

8、Lunch was delicious. Thanks for inviting me.『7words』

9、Through my open views inviting& inciting me.『7words』

10、The February air was soft, cool, and inviting.『8words』



11、Hold yourself with care and tenderness, inviting forgiveness.『8words』

12、This group chat does not support inviting ICQ buddies.『9words』

13、The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.『9words』

14、Salt marshes are among the least inviting environments for plants.『10words』

15、A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from users.『13words』

16、The existing problems and regularization of highway engineering construction inviting and submitting tenders;『13words』

17、Stripped of their pretentious verbiage, his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred.『14words』

18、A tenderer shall not collaborate with the party inviting tenders to exclude competitors from fair competition.『16words』

19、Thank you for inviting the ASEAN Secretariat to this gathering of media practitioners and policy makers.『16words』

20、We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.『17words』



21、Regrettably, I'm obliged to conduct an opening ceremony that day. But thank you very much for inviting me.『18words』

22、Right now, God is inviting you to live for his glory by fulfilling the purposes he made you for.『19words』

23、ETS sends an E-mail to each evaluator inviting them to access the ETS PPI system to complete the student's evaluation.『20words』

24、She was a beautiful teacher - quiet and inviting and embodying tremendous dignity and powerful conviction all at the same time.『21words』

25、The company launched the new product with great fanfare by getting a caterer and inviting the media to the launch party.『21words』

26、Styling a photograph so that the room looks comfortable and inviting -- without overpowering the interior itself - requires a delicate touch.『22words』

27、Especially when inviting people to do things, when inviting guests to dinner, we should hold the leading role, and the supporting role can not be ignored.『26words』

28、We are inviting all season ticket holders and members to request additional tickets and, if necessary, we will hold a ballot to allocate the additional tickets.『26words』

29、Based on the operation process of online bid inviting of a drug, the article analyzes the role of online bid inviting of government procurement and its meaning.『27words』

30、Jack, thank you for inviting us to dinner in your house tomorrow, but I am extremely sorry that my wife and I won't be able to make it.『28words』

