

1、This provision is notable.『4words』

2、Other notable dyslexic figures『4words』

3、notable achievements after persistent work『5words』

4、Greenpeace is a notable exception.『5words』

5、His father was a notable architect.『6words』



6、Mr. Porter was a notable detective.『6words』

7、A notable or distinctive feature or characteristic.『7words』

8、His eyes are his most notable feature.『7words』

9、The notable omission here is the iPhone.『7words』

10、The programs are notable for their user-friendliness.『7words』



11、The city formed a commission of notable citizens.『8words』

12、This caused a notable impact on the local economy.『9words』

13、The catalyst is notable for a high stability and activity.『10words』

14、Mr Obama's speech was equally notable for what it omitted.『10words』

15、These load cells are notable for high accuracy and low overall height.『12words』

16、Some notable bumblebee species are rarely seen anymore, with others becoming increasingly scarce.『13words』

17、A notable issue with the mobile cloud is the resource poverty of mobile devices.『14words』

18、The most notable aesthetical style of ZHAO Shuli's novels irradiates the most attractive comedic beauty.『15words』

19、One of the most notable aspects of the Metro user interface is its panoramic layout.『15words』

20、Photoshop 2.5, released in 1992, was notable for being the first release for the Windows operating systems.『17words』



21、He delighted to witness Hindley degrading himself past redemption; and became daily more notable for savage sullenness and ferocity.『19words』

22、Though Baldwin's use of an all-White cast seemed brave when the novel was first published, there were notable precedents.『19words』

23、As a notable feature of this architecture, communities can define or extend additional information types that represent their own data.『20words』

24、Results The patients in the intervention group make notable progress in life ability , limbs movement functions and psychology depressive state.『21words』

25、The attack was notable for its level of sophistication, using obfuscation techniques not typically seen in attacks on corporations, he said.『21words』

26、It is also notable for having only a single semester of required classes, instead of the full year most U. S. schools require.『23words』

27、The Master said, "If anyone employs me, in a twelvemonth, things will become tolerably well; in three years, there will be notable accomplishments."『23words』

28、Ubuntu is also notable for its ease of use and its inclusion of a migration assistant for Windows users and support for the latest technologies.『25words』

29、“Work with regard to ethnic groups, religions, and overseas Chinese was strengthened. Efforts were intensified to Build a clean and honest government and fight corruption, yielding notable results."『28words』

30、Silence is the notable features in the Takeshi Kitano's violence film, in the film, the violence happened suddenly and there was no time to accept and react by the audience.『30words』

