

1、Domestic firms also suffered.『4words』

2、Why do firms exist?『4words』

3、Western firms are particularly cautious.『5words』

4、Why so few private firms『5words』

5、Some Japanese firms are booming.『5words』



6、Will multinational firms shift production elsewhere?『6words』

7、Other firms have done similar things.『6words』

8、Complacency can kill even the biggest firms.『7words』

9、Some firms pay salespeople only a salary.『7words』

10、As such, many firms favor this approach.『7words』



11、Recent arrivals include firms from Brazil and China.『8words』

12、Most oil is supplied by state-owned oil firms.『8words』

13、Compulsory unpaid leave is planned by 6% of firms.『9words』

14、These firms' strategy was premised on one, beguiling fact.『9words』

15、They are sprawling empires, with extremely diverse firms to manage.『10words』

16、Depreciation of our currency makes it easier for domestic firms to compete with foreign firms.『15words』

17、While households and financial firms went on a borrowing binge, non-financial firms stayed fairly sober.『15words』

18、Many argue that regulations protect small domestic firms against undue competition from large foreign firms.『15words』

19、There is only crowding-in but no crowding-out effect for privately-owned firms, especially high-tech privately firms.『15words』

20、As firms increase production, they are expanding through contracts with outsourcing firms rather than permanent recruitment.『16words』



21、The bigger problem for buy-out firms is posed by long-standing restrictions on bank takeovers by non-financial firms.『17words』

22、As a rule, the variations in random luck facing competitiv e firms differ across firms and countries.『17words』

23、Especially, on the background of China having just joined in WTO, how can Chinese firms learn from earlier-developing firms『19words』

24、 Nevertheless, small firms can not be enemies, few firms can not be enemies, weak firms can not be enemies.『20words』

25、Culture management can help family firms solve some management problem, help staffs improve the enthusiasm, help family firms grow bigger.『20words』

26、Sensible regulations not only make it easier for new firms to get started, but also help established firms change direction and clapped-out firms declare bankruptcy.『25words』

27、A further 61 CPA firms from Hong Kong have also registered with the PCAOB, including the local member firms of the Big Four and second tier firms.『27words』

28、Further 35, 29% of firms are privately owned but with foreign owners and state owned firms account for 22, 06% of all firms in the sample (Table II).『28words』

29、For family firms in the top 100, overall returns on equity look similar to those of state-owned and institutionally owned firms, indicating that family firms are not making supernormal profits.『30words』

30、In the case of these benefits that flow from the environment to firms and households, there is no reverse flow of money, as there is between firms and between firms and households.『32words』

