

1、It lasted three days.『4words』

2、The marriage lasted until 1982.『5words』

3、The high lasted all night.『5words』

4、My tour lasted two months.『5words』

5、The situation lasted for some time.『6words』



6、The briefing lasted about thirty-five minutes.『6words』

7、Her wanderings had lasted many years.『6words』

8、THE cordiality seemed good while it lasted.『7words』

9、Our school sports meet lasted three days.『7words』

10、The snowy weather lasted (for) the whole winter.『8words』



11、The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days.『8words』

12、Disappointed, we may conclude that love has not lasted.『9words』

13、The network outage lasted more than 2 weeks in total.『10words』

14、They came once every six months and lasted a fortnight.『10words』

15、The police subjected him to an inquisition that lasted two hours.『11words』

16、These works lasted until 2004 and were potential foreshadowing for the creation of Mermaid Series.『15words』

17、The Roadshow lasted for 2 hours, and ended in the big applause of all attendees.『15words』

18、The bus boycott lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement.『15words』

19、The dinner, which lasted over two hours, was “chitchat, ” the official said. “It was not substantive.”『17words』

20、The rain only lasted half an hour, but caused traffic jams and havoc for pedestrians and commuters.『17words』



21、However, these have never lasted as slowly but surely the dark Ones have introduced their lower vibrations.『17words』

22、These women were also more likely to have pregnancies that lasted longer - raising the risk of stillbirth.『18words』

23、In the run-up to the commemoration, which lasted a week, white Alabamans formed “Confederate Colonel” and “Confederate Belle” chapters.『19words』

24、In her second year as a graduate student, Wellsman fell into a severe depression that lasted for a whole year.『20words』

25、The Spanish Civil War lasted three years, losing 500,000 people, and the American Civil War lasted four years, losing 500,000 people.『21words』

26、Ancient Rome conferred a unity on the Mediterranean area and on vast hinterlands on three continents lasted for a long time.『21words』

27、When I met you, I finally found myself, but I was helpless. Time and space lasted for a long time. This hatred lasted forever.『24words』

28、The scientists noted that with one dose of cancer-resistant white blood cells, normal animals acquired cancer immunity that typically lasted for the rest of their lives.『26words』

29、The decay curves of the delay light emission (DLE) showed two phases: fast phase which lasted for about ten seconds and slow phase which lasted for about several minutes.『29words』

30、The New York World Expo held in the United States in 1964 lasted for 360 days, while the Zaragoza World Expo held in Spain in 2008 lasted for only 92 days.『31words』

