

1、missiles that intercept missiles『4words』

2、12,300 Porteous piloted missiles,,,『4words』

3、(of bullets,missiles,etc) travel(a distance)『4words』

4、ballistic, guided, nuclear, etc missiles『5words』

5、attack with missiles or questions.『5words』



6、flying bomb (missiles resembling aircraft)『5words』

7、These clean missiles were made by them.『7words』

8、A multistage rocket projects missiles into space.『7words』

9、Cruise missiles launched from an aircraft carrier『7words』

10、Russia is deactivating some of its deadliest missiles.『8words』



11、Pentagon orders deployment of surface-to-air missiles around Washington『8words』

12、guided missiles, unguided missiles, mortars, mines, armored personnel carriers.『9words』

13、Many countries have launched missiles and spacecrafts into outer space.『10words』

14、Both countries used modified ballistic missiles to achieve their successes.『10words』

15、Phased array radar on missiles and its polarization filtering method『10words』

16、The surface-to-surface missiles were fired from the west of the capital.『11words』

17、In Afghanistan the U. S. military dropped many precision-guided missiles and bombs.『12words』

18、Watching US missiles tearing apart their country,Iraqis have spent their days in tears.『13words』

19、Israel has 200 or 300 nuclear missiles, and they can take care of themselves.『14words』

20、Please have a look at the models of cruise missiles, anti-ballistic missiles and space rockets.『15words』



21、Anti-ship missiles threaten battleships severely, and tracking anti-ship missiles accurately is the requirement for defending them.『16words』

22、The British resolved to cleave to America. Even their nuclear missiles were provided by the Americans.『16words』

23、The Cobra's TOW missiles, due to their wire-guidance, require a much slower speed than the Hellfire missiles.『17words』

24、But UN inspectors were never able to confirm Iraq's claims that it destroyed hundreds of missiles containing anthrax.『18words』

25、This is one reason, by the way, that Soviet missiles in Cuba, and U.S. missiles in Turkey, were viewed with such alarm.『22words』

26、The number of required missiles needs to be calculated when using beyond-the-horizon anti-ship missiles to start saturation attacks on surface ship formation.『22words』

27、A picture of missiles launched by Iran. A picture that purports to show four missiles being fired rather than the three shown in other photographs of the launching.『28words』

28、It was reported that Israeli missiles had destroyed a convoy of lorries in North-East Sudan that were said to be carrying Iranian missiles bound for the Palestinian Hamas group in the Gaza Strip.『33words』

29、According to the US report, China will deploy' several new conventional and nuclear variants of MRBMs[ medium-range ballistic missiles] and IRBMs[ intermediate-range ballistic missiles] for regional contingencies and to augment its long-range missile forces'.『34words』

30、While inspectors destroyed most of the prohibited ballistic missiles, numerous intelligence reports over the past decade, from sources inside Iraq, indicate that Saddam Hussein retains a covert force of up to a few dozen Scud variant ballistic missiles.『38words』

