

1、hydrophobic labeling『2words』

2、chemiluminescent labeling『2words』

3、Mandate truth in labeling.『4words』

4、The problem with labeling butcons『5words』

5、cask-filling, closing, sealing or labeling cachine『6words』



6、Acoustics--Noise labeling of machinery and equipment『6words』

7、He's labeling her with this terrible term.『7words』

8、Saves manpower, improves labeling accuracy and consistency.『7words』

9、Recognition of labeling system for genetically modified foods;『8words』

10、Can voluntary labeling of genetically modified food be implemented?;『9words』



11、Include any special instructions regarding cropping, labeling, colors, or redrawing.『10words』

12、Packing, labeling and marking machines for fabrics, knitted fabrics, carpet『10words』

13、Separation,culture and BrdU labeling of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells『11words』

14、There are both good and bad players in the eco-labeling game.『11words』

15、The company shall define the labeling and packaging procedure to avoid mis-labeling.『12words』

16、In addition to listing ingredients, food is required to have nutritional information labeling.『13words』

17、Now only the genus Panax can be called ginseng on labeling or in advertising.『14words』

18、Methods Cell culture, immunohistochemistry, nucleus fluorescence labeling, fluorescence retrograde labeling and enzymatic histochemistry technique were used.『16words』

19、Results The normal CHL cells displayed bright punctuate labeling and formed dashes, at regions of intercellular contact.『17words』

20、Green labelinglabeling goods that are considered environmentally sound. Has been proposed for wood grown under sustainable conditions.『18words』



21、Due to the high performance servomotor in labeling module, the labeling system embraces the high speed and precision.『18words』

22、And all of our product labeling complies with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) labeling standards.『18words』

23、These trials often provide much of the information needed for the package insert and labeling of the medicine.『18words』

24、Halogenated nucleotides such as the pyrimidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) are useful for labeling nascent DNA in living cells and tissues.『20words』

25、This paper analyses the labeling process of the automatic labeling system in principle, and designs the academic curve of the labeling cam.『22words』

26、In-mold labeling in some countries have already popular all over Europe and America for many years, making in-mold labels and labeling technology.『22words』

27、The series of rotary labeling machine could carry out labeling as per different positions of head, neck, body and back labels required by clients.『24words』

28、With the implementation of the nutrition labeling and Education Act in 1994, egg products sold at retail are also required to bear nutrition labeling.『24words』

29、Labeling scheme is the basis for Extensible Markup Language (XML) query processing. The traditional labeling schemes use Numbers based on natural order, which is hard to support XML updating.『29words』

30、How to use: Simply peel paper from bottom, tap can be attached to the surface of various substrates can also be used in the production line labeling machine automatic labeling.『30words』

