



3、Warships escorted the troopship.『4words』

4、and they escorted them away.『5words』

5、Two warships escorted the troopship.『5words』



6、The President arrived, escorted by twelve soldiers.『7words』

7、Police officers later escorted the two away.『7words』

8、Two destroyers escorted our ship to Shanghai.『7words』

9、The Queen's yacht was escorted by destroyers.『7words』

10、He came in shyly, escorted by Christine.『7words』



11、The policeman escorted the old man to safety.『8words』

12、Five troublemakers were escorted for the football field『8words』

13、She quit and escorted the wounded man back.『8words』

14、He was escorted to a mental hospital for medical examination.『10words』

15、They escorted the foreign guests round the sights of Hongchow.『10words』

16、Pope moves quickly through the yard, escorted by a couple of guards.『12words』

17、Henry then escorted Louis back to Dover, where the two Kings spent another night.『14words』

18、He called the British Consulate and they escorted me to the Shanghai No.1 Psychiatric Hospital.『15words』

19、On April 2, 1942 HORNET put to sea escorted by cruisers, destroyers and a fleet oiler.『16words』

20、A 24-year-old mom wearing pajamas under her coat was recently escorted, by security, out of the store.『17words』



21、The first convoy has escorted 212 vessels on 41 separate occasions since departing Sanya on December 26, 2008.『18words』

22、Even those that can get in, whatever their nationality, face being escorted by North Korean 'guides' throughout their stay.『19words』

23、The girls had to be escorted by a male family member each time they went to school and back.『19words』

24、I escorted the older woman to the queue at the cash register and then stepped back and lingered near the younger woman.『22words』

25、When they were about to be buried, they escorted and buried 20 people, including Yubao, Banjian and Xuanhua, and 120 people from Yulin.『23words』

26、The protagonist arrives wearing greasy overcoat, makes an obscene gestures towards dragon, and gets escorted out of fairy tale land by security guards.『23words』

27、He was treated like a guest, served dinner, and escorted to his room, where he was allowed to have a good night's rest.『23words』

28、He is also a rickshaw driver. Since 1937, my brother and sister have been escorted by him every day from school to school.『23words』

29、The Canadian navy escorted tens of thousands of ships to Europe, and the Allies defeated the German U-boats in a series of sea battles between March and May of 1943.『30words』

30、On the first day of term,Wednesday,08 September,new pupils will be escorted by their Houseparents to the Peter Humphreys' Centre (PHC)-our main School Hall-at 8.45 time for the School Assembly at 9.00a.m. New pupils will then be escorted to their appropriate form bases by their Form Tutors.『47words』

