

1、mastery of word pronunciation『4words』

2、Mutual contending for mastery『4words』

3、mastery of the seas.『4words』

4、the mastery of the seas『5words』

5、Gain mastery by striking first.『5words』



6、Ascension is ultimately about spiritual mastery.『6words』

7、Good project mastery skill and technical background.『7words』

8、You gain self mastery and self discipline.『7words』

9、He showed perfect mastery of his craft.『7words』

10、His mastery of the issues is less assured.『8words』



11、More than likely, you can improve and accomplish mastery.『9words』

12、Jettison the technique and simply arrive into your mastery.『9words』

13、Web development requires a mastery of several very different languages.『10words』

14、He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.『10words』

15、Instead one retains power based upon spiritual mastery and evolution of field.『12words』

16、In the Big Threeof self, culture, and world, integral mastery starts with self.『13words』

17、Sureness, ease, freedom, and the effect of personal reminiscence come only from complete mastery.『14words』

18、Their mastery was more lucrative than ever, and it was emulated around the globe.『14words』

19、But you cannot hope to master anything unless you commit to mastery of one thing.『15words』

20、Communication with the Tao however requires mastery of gold and silver or photonic thought-form to understand.『16words』



21、Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners helpless versus mastery oriented.『19words』

22、The battle here for air mastery continues to be severe, but firm confidence is felt in its eventual outcome.『19words』

23、Performing samyama on their power of cognition, real nature, egoism, all-pervasiveness, and functions brings mastery over the sense organs.『19words』

24、The individual progress of human beings is measured by their successive attainment and traversal (mastery) of the seven cosmic circles.『20words』

25、The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.『21words』

26、These three girls life for life, they track different understanding is endless also and same, but fate tend to be entirely on their mastery.『24words』

27、Through one violet-stained window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem.『27words』

28、Therefore, the life skill you need most is not the mastery of specific technologies, but mastery of the technium as a whole -- how technology in general works.『28words』

29、It is an important matter in the medical academy construction that we bring up a high level of experiment technician on the mastery of modern biological experiment technology.『28words』

30、Pratyahara is another way of controlling the mind, to gain mastery in it is not easy, you shouldn't delude yourself into thinkning you've gained mastery after even a few years of practice.『32words』

