

1、She adored her child.『4words』

2、He adored his mother.『4words』

3、Her husband absolutely adored her.『5words』

4、adored grandchildren; an idolized wife.『5words』

5、All that in woman is adored『6words』



6、He adored her as a goddess.『6words』

7、Mrs Thatcher adored Mr Harris's ideas.『6words』

8、someone who is adored blindly and excessively.『7words』

9、They adored her as a living goddess.『7words』

10、He also adored Jamaica Kincaid and Jeanette Winterson.『8words』



11、It was a beloved, sometimes an adored, voice.『8words』

12、She had always loved him, always adored him.『8words』

13、This is adored by conservatives and loathed by liberals.『9words』

14、They adored Chelsea and were always there to help out.『10words』

15、This is exactly how these jewels are meant to be adored.『11words』

16、Yet whatever shape or size robots come in, many will be adored.『12words』

17、This breakthrough possibly enabled people to bring their adored pets back to life.『13words』

18、Most important, why did this adored woman die at such a young age?『13words』

19、Some women had wildly adored him, and for his sake had braved all social censure.『15words』

20、He and I had a lot in common, including strong-willed, down-to-earth mothers whom we adored.『15words』



21、Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.『18words』

22、The more she examined her belongings, the more she adored them-and the more they looked like Japanese goods!『18words』

23、But in his heart he wept for himself, wept for the girl he adored - Mei, his "plum blossom."『19words』

24、Attended by 50 designers, including Armani and Dior, and a dozen hairdressers, she is adored by conventions, clubs, websites and collectors.『21words』

25、I adored him, this grand figure who slapped lotion on his cheeks every morning, buttoned his clean white shirt and hugged me good-bye.『23words』

26、I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored; and I had an old typewriter and a big idea.『23words』

27、He loathed the Paris crowd, adored his run-down manor on the Cotentin peninsula in Normandy and loved France almost to the point of jingoism.『24words』

28、I have adored my father since I was a child, though he is just a ordinary person, but I hope I can be same strong, brave as him.『28words』

29、When a woman marries again, it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs.『33words』

30、The three brothers of Fang's family were thrown into the barracks by their fathers from an early age, earning all their merits and official positions, but they all adored the youngest sister very much and almost responded to every request.『40words』

