

1、scour a ditch [toilet]『4words』

2、inlet channel / inlet ditch『5words』

3、Patrasche lay in the ditch.『5words』

4、Deep ditch and high wall『5words』

5、A deep furrow or ditch.『5words』



6、It's a boy in the ditch『6words』

7、The ditch has earthed up again『6words』

8、He made a dive for the ditch.『7words』

9、He leaped the horse across the ditch.『7words』

10、But you can't just ditch an electron.『7words』



11、They winched the car out of the ditch.『8words』

12、The car ran off the road into a ditch.『9words』

13、In a minute the mountain brook was raging ditch.『9words』

14、The boy hop the ditch and run down the path.『10words』

15、ditch rider; waterman: Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area.『10words』

16、We were prepared to die in the last ditch to save the beautiful city.『14words』

17、The drainage and irrigation ditch system should be combined with roads and protection forest.『14words』

18、La Poderosa's journey ended in a ditch in Chile, Che's in a ditch in Bolivia.『15words』

19、The settled sludge is then returned to the ditch via a sludge return pumping system.『15words』

20、So his master thought him dead, and kicked his body heavily aside into the grassy ditch.『16words』



21、Hostage taking is a last ditch effort. A desperate attempt to regain control over one's life.『16words』

22、Luoyang Luanchuan re-crossing the ditch ticket prices, Henan re-crossing the ditch tourism, re-crossing the ditch Farm Guest House.『18words』

23、Chengdu to the Kalong ditch 310 kilometers, the Kalong ditch to amounts to the ancient glacier 112 kilometers.『18words』

24、Workers and migrant workers gathered around the ditch and looked at the muddy water in the half ditch.『18words』

25、Methods Using Yekang gel bait to killing cockroaches inside the residetial quarters and using hot smog in drainage ditch and heating ditch.『22words』

26、Drilling into the ditch behind the village and digging from the ditch down to the half slope, the tender grass filled the bamboo cage.『24words』

27、The existing highway design criterion only takes setting pavement longitudinal grade, side ditch and drainage ditch into account in order to eliminate surface water.『24words』

28、Liang Zhihua led the militia into the reed ditch. Another unexpected scene appeared. In the reed ditch, men and women squatted or sat on the Hujiagou production team.『28words』

29、It is said that at that time, the 18 business buildings were built together along a line, one can take a boat along a sea ditch called Mouchui Ditch directly to the entrance of any firm.『36words』

30、How did Mr. Zhou see us two old ladies running so fast? I dare say it's the generation ditch on TV. What's the three-year ditch, darling? It's not a big river ditch that has disappeared for 30 years.『38words』

