


2、First and foremost, reduce uncertainty.『5words』

3、customers supreme (foremost), prestige first『5words』

4、Those occupying a foremost position.『5words』

5、So economy of expression is foremost.『6words』



6、But... first and foremost comes demand.『6words』

7、Safety must be foremost in your mind.『7words』

8、He was first and foremost a scholar.『7words』

9、First and foremost, our planet is nature.『7words』

10、First and foremost, ask yourself if it's real.『8words』



11、First and foremost, neither bends the health-cost curve downward.『9words』

12、First and foremost, the weaknesses discussed here are internal only.『10words』

13、First and foremost, the middle is average, boring, bland, etc.『10words』

14、Student community, phyletic, dozens of people foremost thousand community members.『10words』

15、First and foremost, let us remember that change has never been quick.『12words』

16、However, first and foremost Omar wants people to take his music seriously.『12words』

17、First and foremost, a three-wheeled vehicle is considered, in many jurisdictions as a motorcycle.『14words』

18、The Mongol Derby is first and foremost an adventure and a multi horse race second.『15words』

19、So and foremost problem to be settled is how to codify and feasible budgetary targets.『15words』

20、First and foremost, people who are equipped to be XP customers need to start acting the part.『17words』



21、First and foremost, among the most convincing causes identified by people, one should be stressed, that is __.『18words』

22、According to recent surveys, retirement security is first and foremost on the minds of people in this group.『18words』

23、The foremost reason among them was the fact that she had fewer invitations than usual for the autumn.『18words』

24、First and foremost, some people shirk their duty of financially supporting their old and helpless parents due to their own interests.『21words』

25、With that he dashed head foremost out of the room, amid the merriment of the master and mistress, and to the serious disturbance of Catherine;『25words』

26、When boards provide stock-based incentive compensation, they issue a direct instruction to work first and foremost on raising the stock price from the current level.『25words』

27、The ultimate goal, he wrote, was to come up with something that, first and foremost, would make it easier for people to collaborate with one another.『26words』

28、The following reasons can support my view. First and foremost, TV PK shows breed restlessness and induce young people to hunt after fame at whatever cost.『26words』

29、Needless to say, there are two obvious reasons for this, of which first and foremost is that in the future generations' eyes the old people are good-for-nothings.『27words』

30、All of us have our own vision of ourselves which we want other people to endorse, and this leads us to see them first and foremost as possible supporters of this view of ourselves.『34words』

