

1、Ah, heck! Another mistake.『4words』

2、Who the heck are you?『5words』

3、What the heck is NLP?『5words』

4、Hey, what the heck is going on?『7words』

5、Oh, heck. What can I write about?『7words』



6、What the heck, buddy, you gotta relax.『7words』

7、What the heck are those kids doing?『7words』

8、“I sure as heck do," Keith said.『7words』

9、The question was, where the heck was he?『8words』

10、OK, what the heck should you talk about?『8words』



11、What the heck is going on with Apple shares?『9words』

12、Why the heck would anyone tell you to fail?『9words』

13、Now THAT would be a heck of a finding.『9words』

14、Had a heck of a lot of money;was crowded as heck.『11words』

15、It means I'll be late for work but what the heck『11words』

16、But they beat the heck out of poems and love letters.『11words』

17、Ah, heck! Another mistake. The staff here can't even use their calculators right!『13words』

18、Puberty involves a heck of a lot of change, but you don't choose it.『14words』

19、Halloween has been scaring the heck out of kids of all ages for centuries.『14words』

20、They gave me so many samples and company brochures. it's heck of lot to lug around now.『17words』



21、This time we've got so many samples and company brochures. It's a heck of lot to lug around.『18words』

22、My Black raise heck when he saw the color=# cc0066> dented fender. He endlessly blamed the other drivers.『18words』

23、We'll lose a heck of a lot without Henry. He was our main player, the captain, the top scorer.『19words』

24、The bar is too expensive. I think we should get the heck out of here and find somewhere now.『19words』

25、What about the addition of features just for the heck of it - new stuff that is not strictly driven by new hardware?『23words』

26、Because once September comes, all heck usually breaks loose and time once again becomes a quantity much in demand, but short in supply.『23words』

27、Mobile phones are so integral to our lives that it is difficult to remember how the heck we ever got on without them.『23words』

28、Here the government seems quite deliberately to be encouraging people to, to travel, to use, and these jets use a heck of a lot of oil.『26words』

29、One problem though... who the heck designed the Chinese uniforms? Its definitely not the same artistic directors... the yellow collars popping out of their blazers looks horrible.『27words』

30、One night, I had just finished locking all the doors on the way up, had turned out the lights to the 6th floor and was heading down the hall to finish up the building and get the heck outta Dodge.『40words』

