

1、Her face registered dismay.『4words』

2、She flopped down in dismay.『5words』

3、This will dismay green groups.『5words』

4、A state of paralyzing dismay.『5words』

5、The mice withdrew in great dismay.『6words』



6、Sue's look was one of dismay.『6words』

7、Used to express sorrow or dismay.『6words』

8、She burned everything and left in dismay.『7words』

9、She let out a groan of dismay.『7words』

10、He attacked those who sowed dismay and division.『8words』



11、Local politicians have reacted with dismay and indignation.『8words』

12、Throughout the 19th century, China's emperors watched in dismay『9words』

13、And in my dismay I said, 'All men are liars.'『10words』

14、The client sent a massive spec document - to everyone's dismay.『11words』

15、To his dismay, James saw a tear steal down her cheek.『11words』

16、But dismay quickly gave way to feelings of lightness and freedom.『11words』

17、To the Prime Minister's dismay, however, the portrait had proved impossible to remove.『13words』

18、That insult may be routine, but even senior Congress insiders privately voice dismay.『13words』

19、Unlicensed software, music, and videos are downloaded freely on the Internet, to the dismay of industry.『16words』

20、He met the good lady at the station, and, somewhat to her dismay, greeted her with effusion.『17words』



21、Seeing that his eyes fell on him, he looked down at himself in a blink of dismay.『17words』

22、The United Nations expressed "extreme shock and dismay" while strongly condemning the targeting of humanitarian workers in Pakistan.『18words』

23、A dull, gloomy silence, like that which precedes some awful phenomenon of nature, pervaded the assembly, who shuddered in dismay.『20words』

24、The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.『20words』

25、Shelton listened with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay, till the old actor, having finished resumed his crouching posture at the table.『22words』

26、An animated tale of a beautiful young mermaid. Ariel, who is fascinated by the human world, to the dismay of her father, King Triton.『24words』

27、The two men were just beginning to swim towards the shore when they suddenly saw in dismay that the speedboat was in circular motion.『24words』

28、She had started out to be a tomboy, much to her parents' dismay, but a strict governess had taken the spontaneity and impulsiveness right out of her.『27words』

29、Lonely eyes, missing the prosperity of the sea of people, is indifference, loneliness, but also the separation of love eyes, the last eyes, the last missing, just the persistence of the sea of people.『34words』

30、 The officer stood looking at the mother and son in dismay, and after a few seconds he remembered to pick up the little football his son had left behind and give it back to him.『36words』

