

1、give [lay, put][in]pledge『3words』

2、I'll fulfill my pledge.『4words』

3、as a pledge of friendship『5words』

4、Is acting cost cash pledge『5words』

5、That was the wrong pledge.『5words』



6、Chan has taken the pledge.『5words』

7、a solemn promise, undertaking, pledge, etc『6words』

8、pledge of respecting cadres and cherishing soldiers『7words』

9、I will never take back my pledge.『7words』

10、a pledge of money to a charity.『7words』



11、Signed a pledge never to reveal the secret.『8words』

12、1.[Formal] to curse; 2.[Formal] to pledge or swear『8words』

13、That pledge does not seem to extend to refugees.『9words』

14、Service spirit: Do earnestly, fast, and keep the pledge.『9words』

15、I pledge myself to fulfil the promise i have make『10words』

16、Signed a pledge never to reveal the secret;a pledge of money to a charity.『14words』

17、The establishment of capital stock pledge is the key content of capital stock pledge system.『15words』

18、I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people(Franklin D.Roosevelt.『15words』

19、The pledge contract and the pledge registration application shall indicate the registration number of the trademark under pledge.『18words』

20、Product price satisfaction pledge the product price is not higher than other factories, Gao Zetuithe price difference pledge.『18words』



21、Pledge of atypical rights is a sort of pledge of rights that Guarantee Law hasn't laid down it.『18words』

22、The pledge of rights is stipulated in China's Law of Guaranty and it lays the legal foundation for shareholding pledge.『20words』

23、One shall not take a handmill or an upper millstone as a pledge, for he takes the livelihood as a pledge.『21words』

24、The pledge contract shall become effective on the date on which the pledge of shares is written into the shareholders' name-list.『21words』

25、According to the trennungsprinzip, it is-emphasised that registered pledge is essential for the pledge instead of the equity pledge agreement have the validity.『23words』

26、Although pledge contracts are related to the realization of the obligatory right of the pledge, in judicial practice, this realization is of certain nature.『24words』

27、No special regulation on the legal effect shareholding pledge is stipulated in china's law of guaranty, and it adheres to the pledge of movable property.『25words』

28、It has a direct impact to obtain validity of equity pledge agreement and to obtain pledge that the restrictions of share transfer and pledge by Company law.『27words』

29、If pledge registration is carried out for an equity pledge contract in accordance with relevant provisions of the Property Law, the equity pledge shall be established upon registration.『28words』

30、In this part, I have defined pledge of securities from target and nature the two aspects on the basis of discussing concept, nature of pledge of rights and its relation to pledge of movable property.『35words』

