

1、They were stumped.『3words』

2、Williams was stumped.『3words』

3、The problem stumped her.『4words』

4、The lame man stumped about.『5words』

5、But Scotland Yard was stumped.『5words』



6、He stumped back into the house.『6words』

7、The cutbacks have some administrators stumped.『6words』

8、That stretch of forest was stumped quickly.『7words』

9、He stumped angrily out of the room.『7words』

10、He stumped off, muttering under his breath.『7words』



11、John Diamond is stumped by an unexpected question.『8words』

12、But I'm stumped about what I should actually do.『9words』

13、Mr. Green stumped up $100 for his son's debts.『9words』

14、All the examination candidates were stumped by the second question.『10words』

15、He stumped around the country trying to build up support.『10words』

16、Since September, the president has stumped for Republicans in 23 states.『11words』

17、It was the only one that momentarily stumped me for an appropriate answer.『13words』

18、Scientists were stumped because migrating swarms normally come down to rest every night.『13words』

19、Meanwhile, the poor stumped ants travelled only about six metres before they started their search.『15words』

20、So you want to do something special for your beloved, but you're stumped for ideas.『15words』



21、One last question that stumped me, and halted my writing: How large is the space of possible ways of thinking?『20words』

22、The government let foreigners decide what to invest in, and then stumped up a hefty share of the money required.『20words』

23、Of course, he is always stumped when he is asked to make a quick feature change and recompile his hardware.『20words』

24、Slipping his knife into his boot top and loosening the pistol in his trouser band, Archie stumped over to the door and flung it open.『25words』

25、I get down to a certain card and I am stumped, so I will leave a space waiting for that card to appear on cue.『25words』

26、Li is almost stumped, but says she uses one “when I have to sign the back of my new credit card”. “That?s almost all,” she says.『26words』

27、Pope Benedict ventured where no Pope has gone before recently when he answered questions on an Italian television programme - and was stumped by the first.『26words』

28、An amazingly dense and challenging record, it's head-spinning arrangements and dissonant riffing stumped most casual listeners but wowed critics with the sheer audacity of the band's death-jazz.『27words』

29、Great male minds have been stumped, after all, including Freud, who famously said that what a woman wants is "the great question which I have not been able to answer."『30words』

30、The former Porto coach, who won the treble in Portugal last season, handed in his resignation on Tuesday, before Chelsea stumped up a record amount of cash for a manager to release him from his deal.『36words』

