

1、Beef jerky carpaccio?『3words』

2、Fast, jerky gestures;『3words』

3、Characterized by fitful, jerky movements.『5words』

4、jerky ideas about saving money.『5words』

5、Mr. Griffin made a jerky gesture.『6words』



6、This is what makes English sound jerky.『7words』

7、Smoked or dried meats like beef jerky.『7words』

8、Then he had some beef jerky and drinks.『8words』

9、She lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movement.『8words』

10、Some are drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid.『9words』



11、A quick, jerky movement of the head or body.『9words』

12、And then he showed us the food - beef jerky.『10words』

13、A new method is provided for study Chaos by jerky dynamics.『11words』

14、The sufferer endures memory loss, personality changes and spontaneous, jerky bodily movements.『12words』

15、The Attendant opens a jar and offers him a piece of beef jerky.『13words』

16、Real jerky is sliced from a single piece of meat, salted and cured.『13words』

17、More and more frustration boiled over at how herky-jerky the allocation process had become.『14words』

18、Thee newest products range from turkey jerky to buffalo and ostrich jerky tosalmon and tuna jerky.『16words』

19、The steps-based animation that people try to use with setInterval code just ends up looking jerky.『16words』

20、Research of quality of yanbian yellow cattle's kimchi fermentation beef jerky and traditional beef jerky in storage『17words』



21、The color and antioxidant properties were evaluated between fermented beef jerkys and traditional beef jerky during storage.『17words』

22、He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the jakes and came forth from the gloom into the air.『19words』

23、Nerve cells containing the prions stop working. The sufferer endures memory loss, personality changes and spontaneous, jerky bodily movements.『19words』

24、The four-toed Eohippus preceded the three-toed Miohippus, for example, but North American fossil evidence suggests a jerky, uneven transition between the two.『22words』

25、When she fights strong and the tiller slips a little, in a jerky, greasy sort of way, let up on her a trifle;『23words』

26、Video conferencing has long been plagued by the detached feel of talking to a television set, often with awkward audio delays and jerky video.『24words』

27、Stick-slip flow is a jerky movement of compacted grains with velocity of particles at the walls slightly lower than in the rod like core.『24words』

28、Accelerometer readings can be jerky and noisy. Applying low-pass filtering on the signal allows you to smooth it and get rid of high frequency noise.『25words』

29、The compressed image received by a 28.8K bit/sec. modem, for instance, typically arrives at a jerky four to five frames per second vs. television's 30 frames per second.『28words』

30、Varieties include almond cookies with whole walnuts, with egg yolk, even with shredded pork jerky. And speaking of jerky, the store was handing out free samples of that too.『29words』

