

1、The guard saluted smartly.『4words』

2、The guard saluted me smartly.『5words』

3、He fielded the ball smartly.『5words』

4、Walk smartly into the room『5words』

5、He drew himself up, saluted smartly.『6words』



6、The guard saluted the general smartly.『6words』

7、To decide a matter cleverly and smartly『7words』

8、Her little shoes now fitted her smartly.『7words』

9、If you do, use English smartly. If.『7words』

10、“I never had that trouble," Andrew said smartly.『8words』



11、The offer was smartly rebuffed by Anglo's board.『8words』

12、Loans are soaring and infrastructure investment is growing smartly.『9words』

13、Good things come to those who wait (and work smartly!)『10words』

14、He always dressed smartly, with pepper-and-salt suits and stiff collars.『10words』

15、The priest was rinsing out the chalice: then he tossed off the dregs smartly.『14words』

16、Zinc, lead, tin and aluminium have also run up smartly over the past year.『14words』

17、Not as consistent or as attractive, but smartly designed and, for version 1.0, surprisingly complete.『15words』

18、Not afraid to resign, can not resign easily, walk smartly are no worries or desperate people.『16words』

19、There were the smartly uniformed provodnitsas (train attendants) standing territorially by their carriage doors while they scrutinised tickets.『18words』

20、Some people dress smartly and seem to have a good identity, but they shamelessly throw peels in public places.『19words』



21、A young lady walking to me like a butterfly flying smartly, I 'm focused on the girl's lovely face.『19words』

22、Using the invention smartly, effectively processes different erasing operation according to different needs, suitable for update mobile terminal product etc.『20words』

23、Mutual needs of diverse species click together so smartly in the climax arrangement that the whole is difficult to disrupt.『20words』

24、(British) a person without employment who makes money by various dubious schemes; goes about smartly dressed and having a good time.『21words』

25、He works smartly and is kind to others. He doesn't even care if the guests scold him. He still keeps smiling.『21words』

26、Science suggests that the secret to thriving in an age of universal distraction isn't to avoid distractions, but to distract ourselves smartly.『22words』

27、Rather than struggle hard to get the head broken and bleeding, it's better to wave smartly and bravely choose to give up.『22words』

28、In the photo, he was standing there smartly in a stiff military uniform, half bent and his arms resting casually on his knees.『23words』

29、When the north wind was bitter and piercing, Dong's painter grasped the steep brush, dipped in plain and clean colors, and ran smartly across the cold and warm interface.『29words』

30、It pans to a happy lady opening the door of her home and beaming as she takes delivery of the box of 8 Special Grade crabs from the smartly uniformed crab Courier.『32words』

