

1、Both camps are probably wrong.『5words』

2、We were in opposing camps.『5words』

3、He camps with the doves.『5words』

4、penal servitude in labor camps.『5words』

5、the temporary camps were inadequately equipped.『6words』



6、They belong to different political camps.『6words』

7、The campaign also includes quit smoking camps.『7words』

8、Life in the camps had brutalized him.『7words』

9、In the summer several church camps were cancelled.『8words』

10、Difference of opinion broke the party up into camps.『9words』



11、Ride's company offers science camps just for tween girls.『9words』

12、This can mean lessons, tutoring, camps and sports practices.『9words』

13、However, these opposing camps are still struggling with each other.『10words』

14、The green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.『11words』

15、So far we have been restricted to the reception camps, the internment camps.『13words』

16、Wipro, another IT company, arranges child-care camps on its campus during long holidays.『13words』

17、At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Nablus and the neighboring Balata and 'Askar refugee camps.『15words』

18、Many girls attend cheerleading camps in the summer to improve their skills and learn new moves.『16words』

19、Thousands of survivors lived in tent camps or temporary housing for months. Read by Nelly Min.『16words』

20、Taking only enough prisoners to replace the labourers lost from their work camps and restock their stores.『17words』



21、Bulldozers have been levelling ground so that more camps can be set up, reporters at the scene said.『18words』

22、The risk gene divides the world into two camps -those who have the FTO allele and those who don't.『19words』

23、The IWC has become a battleground between the two camps, with each side trying to recruit allies from neutral states.『20words』

24、Nearly 130, 000 refugees from southern Sudan remain in exile. Most are from camps in neighboring Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.『20words』

25、However, much controversy still remains as victims sneer at the pitiful settlements for their time in concentration camps and forced labor camps.『22words』

26、Camps in the Mara game reserve have been mostly empty this year-bad news for mobile camps and a disaster for permanent ones.『22words』

27、Strikingly, former inmates of the lowest-level camps report witnessing as much brutality and deprivation as do those in the long-term camps, and sometimes more.『24words』

28、Relief workers said that the immediate priority now is issuing tarpaulins to 1m people in makeshift camps before the start of the rainy season.『24words』

29、And those who are loudest in denouncing the German concentration camps are often quite unaware, or only very dimly aware, that there are also concentration camps in Russia.『28words』

30、At night, the Knights changed into black and blue overalls, sneaked into the camps of Jizi Camp, stole the roster of the camps from the barracks, and then returned to Xianjue Temple before dawn.『34words』


下一篇:come out造句,用come out怎么造句子(30句)