

1、These referees are impartial.『4words』

2、The referees blasted their whistles.『5words』

3、the names of two referees『5words』

4、Soccer referees have a thankless task.『6words』

5、Don't complain about the referees and umpires.『7words』



6、Job: Head of the Premier League's referees.『7words』

7、Officials include three referees and a jury.『7words』

8、On the establishment and management of orienteering referees『8words』

9、VSO will obtain your consent before contacting referees.『8words』

10、When applying please give the names of three referees .『10words』



11、That's twice we've been beat [by Chelsea] by referees' decisions.『10words』

12、Major factors affecting the value of football referees' right judgment『10words』

13、Participants must accept referees' decisions with sportsmanlike conduct, without disputing them.『11words』

14、The committee is concerned about players' behaviour, especially arguing with referees.『11words』

15、Psychological control of football referees --Application of attention character in judgment;『11words』

16、A researcher was appointed to study the performance of some top referees.『12words』

17、Personal attacks on referees should be off limits, no matter how incompetent they are.『14words』

18、They changed the referees every four hours after the first eight so that the referees could sleep.『17words』

19、Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second.『17words』

20、“We will come out with a new model in November on how to improve high-level referees," he added.『18words』



21、Players, referees, technical directors, general managers and club presidents also received sentences. In all, 24 people were found guilty.『19words』

22、Most football fans in Britain believe crowds influence referees' decisions during matches, according to a survey released on Thursday.『19words』

23、One of the referees who refereed the paper said, "It's too good to be true, " which was not very nice.『21words』

24、The festival is expected to attract 400 athletes coaches and referees from 11 countries and regions including Australia China and Japan.『21words』

25、Confined to the sidelines, parents and coaches routinely scream at one another, at the referees and sometimes even at the kids.『21words』

26、Then let's not talk about the refereeing, there are also other referees, we always get De Marco. His attitude made us nervous.『22words』

27、Organizers of competitions, athletes, coaches and referees shall abide by sportsmanship, and may not practice fraud or engage in malpractice for selfish ends.『23words』

28、During the national sports fair at the Jiomeng (Shihmen) Dam, the high wind overturned a boat occupied by three referees, one of whom died.『24words』

29、A total of 75 referees or assistant referees was present and they were given clear instructions for action on penalty-area jostling and stopping play for player injuries.『27words』

30、Referees are honest and selfless and should not be paid attention to. There is no need to comment on referees because players and games are the main players.『28words』

