

1、Volcanoes vomit lava.『3words』

2、To vomit or experience vomiting.『5words』

3、To vomit(ingested matter)or experience vomiting.『5words』

4、He choked on his own vomit.『6words』

5、feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit.『6words』



6、vomit up what one has eaten『6words』

7、Why I often upset stomach, still vomit.『7words』

8、The ache is fiercer, subsequently presents the vomit.『8words』

9、Neither rabbits nor guinea pigs can vomit either.『8words』

10、Excessive drinking yesterday, woke up still want to vomit.『9words』



11、Any product made from cow's milk made him vomit.『9words』

12、Emetophilia: when you like to watch other people vomit.『9words』

13、Just try not to vomit on your textbooks or computer screen.『11words』

14、It would probably make Nicholas Sparks vomit if he ever read it.『12words』

15、I did not puke, I mean, vomit, but my bowels are loose.『12words』

16、E: I didn't puke, I mean, vomit, but my bowels are loose.『12words』

17、He will spit out the riches he swallowed; God will make his stomach vomit them up.『16words』

18、It doesn't matter if she wants to vomit even when she sees only a drop of blood.『17words』

19、A surge of heroism and ambition rushed to my heart, which made Ye Yunyi not vomit unhappy.『17words』

20、I suppressed the impulse to vomit, quickly stopped the old lady's endless words, and hurried meteors home.『17words』



21、Functions: Effectually decompose alcohol in body, relieve the syndrome of headache, nausea, and vomit due to alcohol-overdrinking.『17words』

22、Mark. vomit to say: Late come of true facts, be like suddenly horseshoe, ah of shooting the head, pain!『19words』

23、After the dizzy and vomit yesterday, I feel better today, no dizzy and vomit, but a stomach upset is go-on.『20words』

24、Alcohol poisoning impairs a person's gag reflex and they could choke on their own vomit or inhale vomit into their lungs.『21words』

25、The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.『21words』

26、Do not attempt to force the dog to vomit as this can burn the esophagus and stomach and cause further complications.『21words』

27、Wet dogs, body odor, perfume, cigarettes, and diapers actually make me vomit. I can't ride on public transportation without an emergency bag.『22words』

28、Life is only some vomit-when you eat and taste, even the most delicious part are not when you hv to give up.『22words』

29、Close-up of a pair of human hands washing with soap Noroviruses can be found in your vomit or stool even before you start feeling sick.『25words』

30、For those who hate of their million die, and then to love others one by one to be happy and Flirt, hate others, one by one gas to vomit blood, or a night of white hair, this is the evildoer.『40words』

