


2、habitat isolation『2words』

3、important ecological habitat『3words』

4、Natural or suitable environment or habitat『6words』

5、That country is the habitat of heroin.『7words』



6、otherwise keep habitat disturbance to a minimum.『7words』

7、This creature's (natural) habitat is the jungle.『7words』

8、The choice of habitat seems to affect reproductive success.『9words』

9、Conservationists tried to recreate a new habitat for them.『9words』

10、Once shrub covers everything, you lose the meadow habitat.『9words』



11、All species of worms in a habitat are considered.『9words』

12、Their preferred habitat is forests near the edge of streams.『10words』

13、Teaberry, blueberry and huckleberry are the most common shrubs in this habitat.『12words』

14、Global warming is expected to significantly reduce or eliminate this tree's habitat.『12words』

15、Every time habitat is encroached, I see a ripple effect of dispersing animals.『13words』

16、Adam: yes there's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened.『13words』

17、Yangtze River had always been the ideal habitat, breeding ground, and migration channel by aquatic organisms.『16words』

18、They have different shapes, sizes, color, fins, teeth, habitat, diet, personality, method of reproduction, and other attributes.『17words』

19、One was pain and pleasure intertwined people, build a party for me with the spiritual holy habitat.『17words』

20、Countless species have disappeared due to over-hunting, habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation, pollution and other unnatural human causes.『18words』



21、Evidence points to hunting by humans and habitat destruction as the likely causes for the current mass extinction.『18words』

22、Normally, seeds of Emmenathe penduliflora stay dormant for years and germinate only when a fire burns through their habitat.『19words』

23、The turning-angel bookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorial pureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit.『19words』

24、Biologists and planners collaborated there to identify a "habitat backbone" system of permanent wetlands to support habitat for natterjack toads.『20words』

25、However, another study found nymphal ticks to be more abundant in moist fern habitat than open understory, deciduous litter habitat.『20words』

26、It doesn't take much water to wipe out the mosquito habitat, Carlson says, but any alteration of the natural environment has some adverse affects.『24words』

27、Our results showed that the body color of P. versicolor in "melanistic" habitat was significantly darker than P. frontalis in the "non-melanistic" withered yellow habitat.『25words』

28、Habitat fragmentation may decrease plant species diversity directly or indirectly by losing habitat which support the plants on it, reducing core area of habitat or reproductive isolation.『27words』

29、One of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting native flowers that humming birds feed on.『27words』

30、The descending sort of groups of arthropod was predators, insect pests, parasitoids and neutral insects by the similarity degree of arthropod groups between weed habitat and paddy habitat.『28words』

